150 câu trắc nghiệm Tìm lỗi sai cơ bản (P4)

  • 1Làm xong biết đáp án, phương pháp giải chi tiết.
  • 2Học sinh có thể hỏi và trao đổi lại nếu không hiểu.
  • 3Xem lại lý thuyết, lưu bài tập và note lại các chú ý
  • 4Biết điểm yếu và có hướng giải pháp cải thiện

Câu 1:

I had my motorbike repair yesterday but now it still doesn’t work.

A. had

B. repair

C. but now

D. work

Câu 2:

The Oxford English Dictionary is well known for including many different meanings of words and to give real examples.

A. well known

B. The

C. meanings

D. to give 

Câu 3:

David, who mother is Vietnamese, speaks both Vietnamese and English fluently.

A. who

B. is

C. speaks

D. fluently

Câu 4:

If I had studied carefully, I wouldn't made so many mistakes.

A. I had

B. carefully

C. made

D. so many

Câu 5:

The director, as well as his wife and two children, were injured in the accident.

A. the

B. well

C. were

D. in

Câu 6:

My father asked me where had I gone the night before.

A. asked

B. the

C. before 

D. had I 

Câu 7:

The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience.

A. before

B. the

C. worst

D. tried

Câu 8:

Many young people lack skills, good education, and financial to settle in the urban areas where many jobs are found.

A. lack

B. financial

C. urban areas

D. are found

Câu 9:

She did not know where most of the people in the conference was from.

A. did not

B. where

C. the 

D. was

Câu 10:

It is important that you turned off the heater every morning before you leave for class.

A. turned off

B. before

C. important

D. leave for

Câu 11:

Gettysburg has been preserve as a national historic monument because it was the site of a major Civil War battle in which many lives were lost.

A. preserve

B. because

C. many lives

D. were lost

Câu 12:

There are many reasons why a particular species may become endangering.

A. endangering

B. may

C. a

D. reasons why

Câu 13:

Hardly did he enter the room when all the lights went out.

A. did he enter

B. when

C. the lights

D. went

Câu 14:

Publishing in the UK, the book has won a number of awards in recent regional book fairs.

A. publishing

B. has won

C. in

D. book fairs

Câu 15:

Most of the houses on the street was built in the previous century.

A. of

B. on

C. previous

D. was

Câu 16:

Oxygen plays a important role in maintaining live.

A. a

B. plays

C. role

D. live

Câu 17:

There are some people in the government try to improve the lives of poor people.

A. to improve

B. There are

C. lives

D. try

Câu 18:

Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith are explaining the children the rules of the game

A. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith

B. are

C. explaining

D. the children the rules of the game

Câu 19:

A child of noble birth, his name was famous among the children in that school.

A. of

B. his name

C. among

D. in that

Câu 20:

Unlike many writings of her time, she was not preoccupied with morality.

A. writings

B. of her time

C. preoccupied

D. with morality