Bài 10: Kiểm tra unit 3

  • 1Làm xong biết đáp án, phương pháp giải chi tiết.
  • 2Học sinh có thể hỏi và trao đổi lại nếu không hiểu.
  • 3Xem lại lý thuyết, lưu bài tập và note lại các chú ý
  • 4Biết điểm yếu và có hướng giải pháp cải thiện

Câu 1:

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.





Câu 2:

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.





Câu 3:

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.





Câu 4:

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.





Câu 5:

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.





Câu 6:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

We came to the remote village and ______ homeless children meals.





Câu 7:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

You can help young children by _______ them do homework before or after school.





Câu 8:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

To help people in remote areas, we can _________  transportation, such as giving rides to the elderly.





Câu 9:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

They have decided to ride to work _____  it is good for their health and the environment.





Câu 10:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Our school has a programme to____  children from poor families in Ho Chi Minh City.





Câu 11:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

They _____ Nha Trang 5 times so far.

Ahave visit

Bhave visited



Câu 12:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

There _____ a lot of organizations which do charity work recently.



Chave been

Dhas been

Câu 13:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Clean air provides us _____ a healthy supply of oxygen.





Câu 14:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

We have collected used books for poor students ____ three years.





Câu 15:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

What is the best way of ______ money to support homeless people?





Câu 16:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Do many people in your country _____ take care of others?





Câu 17:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Do volunteers often spend time helping other people in ___, orphanages or homes for the aged?





Câu 18:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Earthwatch Have you ever wanted to do something different? Five years ago, Will Slade read about __(1)__ organization called Earthwatch. Earthwatch finds volunteers ___(2)___ expeditions __(3)___ and explore different parts of the world. Will decided (4)____  an expedition to study elephants in Africa. “I wasn't sure about it before I went.” say Will. “But in fact, I really enjoyed every minute of the expedition. We slept ___(5) tents and we cooked our own food, but it was the great ___(6) elephants and all the other animals there”. “I've (7)____  all the expeditions, and I have seen some fantastic places. How (8) _____ people have slept (9) ____  a beach, climbed a mountain or see a whale? This world is such a beautiful place, but it’s disappearing fast. We have to learn more ___(10)___it if we are going to save it”

Question 1:





Câu 19:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Earthwatch Have you ever wanted to do something different? Five years ago, Will Slade read about __(1)__ organization called Earthwatch. Earthwatch finds volunteers ___(2)___ expeditions __(3)___ and explore different parts of the world. Will decided (4)____  an expedition to study elephants in Africa. “I wasn't sure about it before I went.” say Will. “But in fact, I really enjoyed every minute of the expedition. We slept ___(5) tents and we cooked our own food, but it was the great ___(6) elephants and all the other animals there”. “I've (7)____  all the expeditions, and I have seen some fantastic places. How (8) _____ people have slept (9) ____  a beach, climbed a mountain or see a whale? This world is such a beautiful place, but it’s disappearing fast. We have to learn more ___(10)___it if we are going to save it”

Question 2:





Câu 20:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Earthwatch Have you ever wanted to do something different? Five years ago, Will Slade read about __(1)__ organization called Earthwatch. Earthwatch finds volunteers ___(2)___ expeditions __(3)___ and explore different parts of the world. Will decided (4)____  an expedition to study elephants in Africa. “I wasn't sure about it before I went.” say Will. “But in fact, I really enjoyed every minute of the expedition. We slept ___(5) tents and we cooked our own food, but it was the great ___(6) elephants and all the other animals there”. “I've (7)____  all the expeditions, and I have seen some fantastic places. How (8) _____ people have slept (9) ____  a beach, climbed a mountain or see a whale? This world is such a beautiful place, but it’s disappearing fast. We have to learn more ___(10)___it if we are going to save it”

Question 3:




Dto study

Câu 21:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Earthwatch Have you ever wanted to do something different? Five years ago, Will Slade read about __(1)__ organization called Earthwatch. Earthwatch finds volunteers ___(2)___ expeditions __(3)___ and explore different parts of the world. Will decided (4)____  an expedition to study elephants in Africa. “I wasn't sure about it before I went.” say Will. “But in fact, I really enjoyed every minute of the expedition. We slept ___(5) tents and we cooked our own food, but it was the great ___(6) elephants and all the other animals there”. “I've (7)____  all the expeditions, and I have seen some fantastic places. How (8) _____ people have slept (9) ____  a beach, climbed a mountain or see a whale? This world is such a beautiful place, but it’s disappearing fast. We have to learn more ___(10)___it if we are going to save it”

Question 4:

Ato join




Câu 22:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Earthwatch Have you ever wanted to do something different? Five years ago, Will Slade read about __(1)__ organization called Earthwatch. Earthwatch finds volunteers ___(2)___ expeditions __(3)___ and explore different parts of the world. Will decided (4)____  an expedition to study elephants in Africa. “I wasn't sure about it before I went.” say Will. “But in fact, I really enjoyed every minute of the expedition. We slept ___(5) tents and we cooked our own food, but it was the great ___(6) elephants and all the other animals there”. “I've (7)____  all the expeditions, and I have seen some fantastic places. How (8) _____ people have slept (9) ____  a beach, climbed a mountain or see a whale? This world is such a beautiful place, but it’s disappearing fast. We have to learn more ___(10)___it if we are going to save it”

Question 5:





Câu 23:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Earthwatch Have you ever wanted to do something different? Five years ago, Will Slade read about __(1)__ organization called Earthwatch. Earthwatch finds volunteers ___(2)___ expeditions __(3)___ and explore different parts of the world. Will decided (4)____  an expedition to study elephants in Africa. “I wasn't sure about it before I went.” say Will. “But in fact, I really enjoyed every minute of the expedition. We slept ___(5) tents and we cooked our own food, but it was the great ___(6) elephants and all the other animals there”. “I've (7)____  all the expeditions, and I have seen some fantastic places. How (8) _____ people have slept (9) ____  a beach, climbed a mountain or see a whale? This world is such a beautiful place, but it’s disappearing fast. We have to learn more ___(10)___it if we are going to save it”

Question 6:




Dto see

Câu 24:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Earthwatch Have you ever wanted to do something different? Five years ago, Will Slade read about __(1)__ organization called Earthwatch. Earthwatch finds volunteers ___(2)___ expeditions __(3)___ and explore different parts of the world. Will decided (4)____  an expedition to study elephants in Africa. “I wasn't sure about it before I went.” say Will. “But in fact, I really enjoyed every minute of the expedition. We slept ___(5) tents and we cooked our own food, but it was the great ___(6) elephants and all the other animals there”. “I've (7)____  all the expeditions, and I have seen some fantastic places. How (8) _____ people have slept (9) ____  a beach, climbed a mountain or see a whale? This world is such a beautiful place, but it’s disappearing fast. We have to learn more ___(10)___it if we are going to save it”

Question 7:




Dto enjoy

Câu 25:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Earthwatch Have you ever wanted to do something different? Five years ago, Will Slade read about __(1)__ organization called Earthwatch. Earthwatch finds volunteers ___(2)___ expeditions __(3)___ and explore different parts of the world. Will decided (4)____  an expedition to study elephants in Africa. “I wasn't sure about it before I went.” say Will. “But in fact, I really enjoyed every minute of the expedition. We slept ___(5) tents and we cooked our own food, but it was the great ___(6) elephants and all the other animals there”. “I've (7)____  all the expeditions, and I have seen some fantastic places. How (8) _____ people have slept (9) ____  a beach, climbed a mountain or see a whale? This world is such a beautiful place, but it’s disappearing fast. We have to learn more ___(10)___it if we are going to save it”

Question 8:





Câu 26:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Earthwatch Have you ever wanted to do something different? Five years ago, Will Slade read about __(1)__ organization called Earthwatch. Earthwatch finds volunteers ___(2)___ expeditions __(3)___ and explore different parts of the world. Will decided (4)____  an expedition to study elephants in Africa. “I wasn't sure about it before I went.” say Will. “But in fact, I really enjoyed every minute of the expedition. We slept ___(5) tents and we cooked our own food, but it was the great ___(6) elephants and all the other animals there”. “I've (7)____  all the expeditions, and I have seen some fantastic places. How (8) _____ people have slept (9) ____  a beach, climbed a mountain or see a whale? This world is such a beautiful place, but it’s disappearing fast. We have to learn more ___(10)___it if we are going to save it”

Question 9:





Câu 27:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.

Earthwatch Have you ever wanted to do something different? Five years ago, Will Slade read about __(1)__ organization called Earthwatch. Earthwatch finds volunteers ___(2)___ expeditions __(3)___ and explore different parts of the world. Will decided (4)____  an expedition to study elephants in Africa. “I wasn't sure about it before I went.” say Will. “But in fact, I really enjoyed every minute of the expedition. We slept ___(5) tents and we cooked our own food, but it was the great ___(6) elephants and all the other animals there”. “I've (7)____  all the expeditions, and I have seen some fantastic places. How (8) _____ people have slept (9) ____  a beach, climbed a mountain or see a whale? This world is such a beautiful place, but it’s disappearing fast. We have to learn more ___(10)___it if we are going to save it”

Question 10:





Câu 28:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

 Scouting began in England in 1907. The Boy Scouts of America started three years later. Today, there are Boy Scout programmes in more than 140 countries. In the United States alone, there are over 4 million Scouts. Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun. Scouts swim and play sports, go camping and hiking, and learn how to survive in the outdoors. They also fear how to protect the environment. Other Scout activities include making arts and crafts, learning first aid, and leering how to use computers or fix cars. Scouts often do community service and volunteer work. Scouts learn teamwork by working together.

Scouting began in the United States in___.





Câu 29:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

 Scouting began in England in 1907. The Boy Scouts of America started three years later. Today, there are Boy Scout programmes in more than 140 countries. In the United States alone, there are over 4 million Scouts. Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun. Scouts swim and play sports, go camping and hiking, and learn how to survive in the outdoors. They also fear how to protect the environment. Other Scout activities include making arts and crafts, learning first aid, and leering how to use computers or fix cars. Scouts often do community service and volunteer work. Scouts learn teamwork by working together.

There are over 4 million scouts in__.


Bthe USA

Cthe world

DNorth America

Câu 30:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

 Scouting began in England in 1907. The Boy Scouts of America started three years later. Today, there are Boy Scout programmes in more than 140 countries. In the United States alone, there are over 4 million Scouts. Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun. Scouts swim and play sports, go camping and hiking, and learn how to survive in the outdoors. They also fear how to protect the environment. Other Scout activities include making arts and crafts, learning first aid, and leering how to use computers or fix cars. Scouts often do community service and volunteer work. Scouts learn teamwork by working together.

Scouts learn many skills EXCEPT__


Bcollecting things

Cgoing camping

Dplaying sports

Câu 31:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

 Scouting began in England in 1907. The Boy Scouts of America started three years later. Today, there are Boy Scout programmes in more than 140 countries. In the United States alone, there are over 4 million Scouts. Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun. Scouts swim and play sports, go camping and hiking, and learn how to survive in the outdoors. They also fear how to protect the environment. Other Scout activities include making arts and crafts, learning first aid, and leering how to use computers or fix cars. Scouts often do community service and volunteer work. Scouts learn teamwork by working together.

Scouts actvities include many EXCEPT___

Alearning how to make cars

Bmaking arts and crafts

Clearning first aid

Dlearning how to use computers

Câu 32:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

 Scouting began in England in 1907. The Boy Scouts of America started three years later. Today, there are Boy Scout programmes in more than 140 countries. In the United States alone, there are over 4 million Scouts. Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun. Scouts swim and play sports, go camping and hiking, and learn how to survive in the outdoors. They also fear how to protect the environment. Other Scout activities include making arts and crafts, learning first aid, and leering how to use computers or fix cars. Scouts often do community service and volunteer work. Scouts learn teamwork by working together.

Scouts learn teamwork by___

Aworking one by one

Bworking alone

Cworking all year round

Dworking in groups

Câu 33:

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

He couldn't go to school because of he was ill yesterday.


Bbecause of



Câu 34:

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

Do you wanted to work as a volunteer this summer?





Câu 35:

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

While he was standing  at the bus stop, he has seen a serious accident.

Awas standing


Chas seen


Câu 36:

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

I collected many stamps for three years.





Câu 37:

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

These gloves aren’t suitable with that kind of work.





Câu 38:

Choose the best answer

He was delighted ______ the present you gave him.





Câu 39:

Choose the best answer.

What kind of _____ work are you participating in?





Câu 40:

Choose the best answer.

During summer vacations, we teach children in _____ areas how to read and write.



