Đề thi Tiếng Anh 7 Thí điểm Học kì 2 có đáp án (Đề 1)

  • 1Làm xong biết đáp án, phương pháp giải chi tiết.
  • 2Học sinh có thể hỏi và trao đổi lại nếu không hiểu.
  • 3Xem lại lý thuyết, lưu bài tập và note lại các chú ý
  • 4Biết điểm yếu và có hướng giải pháp cải thiện

Câu 1:

Choose the word having different stress from the others.

A. harvest

B. parade

C. music

D. pumpkin

Câu 2:

Choose the word having different stress from the others.

A. offer

B. prefer

C. aboard

D. arrive

Câu 3:

Choose the word having different stress from the others.

A. famous

B. joyful

C. usual

D. alone

Câu 4:

Choose the word having different stress from the others.

A. exist

B. avoid

C. support

D. notice

Câu 5:

Choose the word having different stress from the others.

A. hungry

B. disease

C. spacious

D. danger

Câu 6:

Choose and circle the best answer.

Many ……………. and artistic activities are held as the part of the flower festival in Da Lat.

A. cultural

B. romance

C. disappointed

D. annoyed

Câu 7:

Choose and circle the best answer.

Wind, hydro and solar are ……… energy sources.

A. modern

B. renewable

C. non-renewable

D. new

Câu 8:

Nick washes his hand a lot, .....he doesn’t have flu.

A. so

B. and

C. but

D. although

Câu 9:

At a seasonal festival, people race down the hill to ......................cheese.

A. break

B. catch

C. buy

D. eat

Câu 10:

..........................were you born? – In March

A. When

B. How

C. Why

D. Where

Câu 11:

We will cut down on the use of natural gas because it is …….… & harmful to the environment.

A. plenty

B. limited

C. available

D. abundant

Câu 12:

Which of the following is NOT non-renewable source of energy ?

A. oil

B. wind

C. natural gas

D. coal

Câu 13:

Some new energy-saving bulbs …………. in the dining-room.

A. will put

B. will be putting

C. will be put

D. will being put

Câu 14:

Read the following passage and decide if it is T or F

   Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.

   However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.

   The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible.

Question: Natural resources will run out.

A. True

B. Fales

Câu 15:

Read the following passage and decide if it is T or F

   Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.

   However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.

   The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible.

Question: The world’s energy resources are unlimited.

A. True

B. Fales

Câu 16:

Read the following passage and decide if it is True or False

   Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.

   However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.

   The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible.

Question: We know exactly how much fuel is left.


B. False

Câu 17:

Read the following passage and decide if it is True or False

   Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.

   However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.

   The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible.

Question: We should use fuel economically.

A. True

B. False

Câu 18:

Read the following passage and decide if it is True or False

   Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.

   However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.

   The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible.

Question: According to Professor Marvin Burnham, nuclear power will be used as a substitute for natural resources.

A. True

B. False

Câu 19:

Read the following passage and decide if it is True or False

   Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.

   However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.

   The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible.

Question: Many people disagree to use nuclear power as an alternative energy.

A. True

B. False

Câu 20:

Read the following passage and decide if it is True or False

   Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.

   However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.

   The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible.

Question: Radioactivity from nuclear power causes cancer and may have bad effect on the future generations.

A. True

B. False

Câu 21:

Read the following passage and decide if it is True or False

   Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.

   However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.

   The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible.

Question: Natural resources should be used as economical as possible.

A. True

B. False