Giải Tiếng anh Review 3 lớp 11 Skills (trang 98, 99) - Global success

  • 1Làm xong biết đáp án, phương pháp giải chi tiết.
  • 2Học sinh có thể hỏi và trao đổi lại nếu không hiểu.
  • 3Xem lại lý thuyết, lưu bài tập và note lại các chú ý
  • 4Biết điểm yếu và có hướng giải pháp cải thiện

Câu 1:
Tự luận


Listen to a short talk by a student advisor. What is it about? (Nghe một cuộc nói chuyện ngắn của một cố vấn sinh viên. Nó nói về cái gì?)

Bài nghe:



A. Tips on how to become independent.

B. Doing a part-time job while studying abroad.

C. Advice on how to learn a foreign language.

Câu 2:
Tự luận

Listen again and complete the notes with no more than TWO words for each answer. (Nghe lại và hoàn thành các ghi chú với không quá HAI từ cho mỗi câu trả lời)

Bài nghe


Tiếng Anh 11 Review 3 Skills (trang 98, 99) | Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success

Câu 3:
Tự luận


Work in pairs. What can you do to become more independent while studying abroad? Give your reasons. (Làm việc theo cặp. Bạn có thể làm gì để trở nên độc lập hơn khi đi du học? Đưa ra lý do của bạn)

Gợi ý:

- Learn the language of the country where you study

- Get a part-time job

- Learn how to cook for yourself

- Travel alone

- Make friends

Câu 4:
Tự luận

Work in groups. What skills do you think you will gain while studying abroad? Report your group’s answer fo the class. (Làm việc nhóm. Bạn nghĩ mình sẽ đạt được những kỹ năng gì khi đi du học? Báo cáo câu trả lời của nhóm bạn trước lớp)

Gợi ý:

- Time-management (important for submitting assignments on time, scheduling time for revisions, doing part-time jobs, playing sports, relaxing, etc.)

- Language skills

- Cooking skills

- Managing money

- Learning to take care of yourself (cleaning, shopping, doing laundry, etc.)

- Strengthen your communication and study skills

- Problem-solving skills

- Cultural awareness or understanding (familiar with new culture and customes)

- I think learning how to cook for yourself is very important to become independent. When you live abroad, it is the life skill you must have because it saves you money. Besides, It also makes you confident to introduce your country’s special dishes to your international friends.

- I think travelling alone is a good way to become independent. By travelling alone, you will have to organize everything beforehand and afterwards. Therefore, you will have to take care of everything. The experience you have will really make independent then.

Câu 5:
Tự luận


Read the text. Choose the best heading (1-5) for each paragraph (A-C). There are TWO extra headings. (Đọc văn bản. Chọn tiêu đề tốt nhất (1-5) cho mỗi đoạn văn (A-C). Có HAI tiêu đề thừa)


Recognised as UNESCO's world cultural heritage in 2013, don ca tai tuhas been an important part of people’s life and work in the Mekong River Delta region.

A. Having appeared in the late 19th century, don ca tai tu became a popular art formin southern Viet Nam. It started as daily entertainment for the village farmers, who were good neighbours and close friends. After working hard in the fields, the neighbours usually gathered together to sing and relax. This was the time when people started performing this kind of music.

B. Typically, the men in the group play the instruments while the women sing. Most of the musicians and singers are not professionally trained; they are just music lovers performing with all their heart. They usually perform at events such as weddings and traditional festivals, and the melodies express different moods and feelings.

C. Today, tourists can enjoy don ca tai tu performances in southern Viet Nam, where local artists perform at floating markets or in fruit gardens. Such performances help preserve the art form and allow artists to reach a wider audience, including people from around the world.

1. How the art is preserved

2. Who the performers are

3. How to appreciate the art

4. When and how it was created

5. Where we can learn this form of music

Câu 6:
Tự luận

Read the text again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). (Đọc văn bản một lần nữa và quyết định xem những câu phát biểu là đúng (T) hay sai (F)

1. Don ca tai tu was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2013.

2. Don ca tai tu was originally performed at important ceremonies.

3. All the performers of this art form are well-trained and perform on big stages.

4. Don ca tai tu can be heard at different events such as weddings and festivals.

5. Performances of don ca tai tu at floating markets help keep the art alive for future generations.


Câu 7:
Tự luận


Work in pairs. Read the advert below and discuss what other information you want to know about how to become a club member. (Làm việc theo cặp. Đọc quảng cáo dưới đây và thảo luận về những thông tin khác mà bạn muốn biết về cách trở thành thành viên câu lạc bộ)

Tiếng Anh 11 Review 3 Skills (trang 98, 99) | Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success

Câu 8:
Tự luận

Write an email (140-170 words) to the club president asking for more information about how to become a club member. Use the outline below to help you. (Viết một email (140-170 từ) cho chủ tịch câu lạc bộ để hỏi thêm thông tin về cách trở thành thành viên câu lạc bộ. Sử dụng phác thảo dưới đây để giúp bạn)