Giải Tiếng anh Unit 6 lớp 11 Reading (trang 69, 70) - Global success

  • 1Làm xong biết đáp án, phương pháp giải chi tiết.
  • 2Học sinh có thể hỏi và trao đổi lại nếu không hiểu.
  • 3Xem lại lý thuyết, lưu bài tập và note lại các chú ý
  • 4Biết điểm yếu và có hướng giải pháp cải thiện

Câu 1:
Tự luận

Teenagers’ ideas for preserving heritage

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the question. (Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi và trả lời câu hỏi)

Why is it important to protect our heritage? (Tại sao việc bảo vệ di sản của chúng ta lại quan trọng?)

Câu 2:
Tự luận

Read the article and circle the correct meanings of the highlighted words and phrases. (Đọc bài viết và khoanh tròn nghĩa đúng của các từ và cụm từ được đánh dấu)


Ideas from teenagers

To encourage young people to learn about and appreciate our cultural heritage, we organised an ideas competition. We invited students from across the country to send us their ideas for protecting and promoting our heritage. We have received many interesting entries. Below are the winners.

A. _________________

The idea of promoting heritage sites through social media came from a group of TIth grade students. They suggested using social media activities, such as photo competitions, to encourage young people to learn about our heritage sites and local traditions on important festivals. They also suggested creating trending topics or challenges on social media. For example, a postcard challenge will invite people to create and share unusual and exciting postcards about the heritage sites that they have visited.

B. _________________

Two 10th grade students suggested forming historical societies or local groups who have akeen interest in their history and heritage. These groups will provide information about local heritage sites, organise special events to celebrate local festivals, and invite young people to discuss issues related to preserving the heritage. This way, they will be able to give vo-ce to suggestions and solutions to problems they care about. They will feel that their voices are heard, and they can contribute to society.

C. _________________

To preserve heritage, such as traditional music and stories, a group of secondary school students proposed setting up folk clubs. The clubs will hold events for young people to experience and learn about traditional performing arts. The artists will not only perform, but also introduce their arts and talk about how students can help promote folk culture. The clubs will organise training for students who want to learn folk songs, a 1traditional musical instrument, or folk dancing.

1. appreciate

A. to recognise the good qualities of something

B. to realise that something is dangerous

C. to discuss a new idea

2. trending

A. being discussed a lot on social media

B. being forgotten by the public

C. creating and sharing information

3. give voice to

A. to take action about something

B. to listen to someone's advice

C. to express opinions about something

4. proposed

A. asked someone for information

B. suggested something as a plan or course of action

C. invited guests for an event

Câu 3:
Tự luận

Read the article again. Match the following headings (1-4) with the appropriate paragraphs (A-C). There is ONE extra heading. (Đọc lại bài viết. Nối các tiêu đề sau (1-4) với các đoạn thích hợp (A-C). Có MỘT tiêu đề phụ)

1. Organising photo competitions of performing artists

2. Promoting and developing the folk arts

3. Making use of social media to promote heritage

4. Opportunities to learn about heritage and be involved in problem-solving

Câu 4:
Tự luận

Read the article again and decide which paragraph includes the following information. (Đọc bài viết một lần nữa và quyết định đoạn nào bao gồm các thông tin sau)







1. Creating popular topics on the Internet such as sharing postcards






2. Raising awareness of preserving our heritage through discussions




3. Organising photo competitions on social media




4. Setting up local historical societies to organise festivals and other events




5. Inviting artists to perform and teach folk singing, dancing and music


Câu 5:
Tự luận

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. (Làm việc theo cặp. Thảo luận các câu hỏi sau)

Which of the ideas in the text do you like most? How will it help preserve heritage? (Bạn thích ý tưởng nào nhất trong văn bản? Làm thế nào nó sẽ giúp bảo tồn di sản?)