Giải Tiếng anh Unit 8 lớp 11 Getting Started (trang 86, 87) - Global success

  • 1Làm xong biết đáp án, phương pháp giải chi tiết.
  • 2Học sinh có thể hỏi và trao đổi lại nếu không hiểu.
  • 3Xem lại lý thuyết, lưu bài tập và note lại các chú ý
  • 4Biết điểm yếu và có hướng giải pháp cải thiện

Câu 1:
Tự luận

Earning your parents’ trust

Listen and read (Nghe và đọc)

Bài nghe:


Nam: Mai, why don't you answer your phone? It keeps ringing.

Mai: It’s my mum who's calling me again. She wants me to contact her from time to time while I’m out.

Nam: My parents usec to be like that. They thought I didn’t have the confidence to deal with difficult situations.

Mark: I had the same experience. It was earning my parents’ trust that took a long time. But I managed to convince them that I'm responsible when I’m out and about.

Mai: It’s my parents who still think I don’t have the skills to be independent. I'm not good at managing my time or money, but I’m independent at home - I can cook, clean the house, and do my laundry!

Nam: That’s a good star! I use a time-management app to plan my weekly schedule including all my activities and responsibilities. Would you like me to help you install it?

Mai: That'd be great. Thanks, Nam.

Mark: I use a money-management app. It’s the app that taught me how to be responsible with money.

Mai: Mark, can you show it to me?

Mark: No problem. My parents also encourage me to take part-time jobs and pay me for doing certain chores around the house.

Mai: Lucky you!

Câu 2:
Tự luận

Read the conversation again and decide who has these skills. Put a tick (v) in the correct column. (Đọc đoạn hội thoại một lần nữa và quyết định xem ai có những kỹ năng này. Đánh dấu (v) vào cột đúng)

Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 8 Getting Started (trang 86, 87) | Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success

Câu 3:
Tự luận

Find words and a phrase in 1 that have the following meanings. (Tìm các từ và một cụm từ bài 1 có các nghĩa sau)

1. a belief in your own ability to do things well

2. confident and free to do things without help from other people

3. things that you must do as part of your duty or job

4. the activity of planning how to spend and save money

Câu 4:
Tự luận

Match the two halves to make sentences used in 1. (Nối hai nửa để tạo câu được sử dụng trong 1)



1. It’s my mum



a. that took a long time



2. It was earning my parents’ trust



b. who still think I don’t have the skills to be independent.



3. It’s my parents



c. that taught me how to be responsible with money



4. It’s the app



d. who’s calling me again