IV. Tìm lỗi sai có đáp án

  • 1Làm xong biết đáp án, phương pháp giải chi tiết.
  • 2Học sinh có thể hỏi và trao đổi lại nếu không hiểu.
  • 3Xem lại lý thuyết, lưu bài tập và note lại các chú ý
  • 4Biết điểm yếu và có hướng giải pháp cải thiện

Câu 1:

In your capacity as a judge, you have to work with high concentration. You must make auninterested judgment.

A. In
B. capacity
C. high
D. uninterested
Câu 2:
The building was formally used as a bank, but it has been turned into a church recently.
A. formally
B. as
C. has been turned into
D. recently.
Câu 3:

A considerate amount of time and effort has gone into this exhibition.

A. considerate
B. time
C. effort
D. gone into
Câu 4:
I’m very appreciable of all the support you’ve given me.
A. appreciable
B. of all
C. support
D. given
Câu 5:

Emotional problems, such as stress, anxiety, or depression, can make a person more forgettable.

A. such as
B. anxiety
C. make
D. forgettable
Câu 6:
Life expectation for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years
A. Life expectation
B. both
C. has improved
D. in the past
Câu 7:

Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we’d go to our respectful classes

A. go into
B. assembly
C. afterwards
D. respectful
Câu 8:

You should be more respectable of other people’s points of view. Don’t embarrass someone even if they are wrong.

A. should be
B. respectable
C. points of view.
D. embarrass
Câu 9:
This type of computer jargon is barely comprehensive to most people.
A. of
B. jargon
C. comprehensive
D. most
Câu 10:
From our points of view, we do not see how these changes will be beneficent to the company
A. From
B. see 
C. will
D. eneficent
Câu 11:

She wasn’t very complementary about your performance, was she?

A. wasn’t
B. complementary
C. performance,
D. was she
Câu 12:
We discussed the problem but we didn’t get much farther in actually solving it.
A. discussed 
B. but
C. farther
D. actually
Câu 13:
I think the sensitive thing to do is call and ask for directions.
A. think
B. sensitive
C. to do
D. directions.
Câu 14:

We must develop more rapid, responsible systems for dealing with online messages.

A. develop
B. responsible
C. dealing
D. messages.
Câu 15:
Our team won the trophy for the second successful season
A. won
B. trophy
C. the
D. successful
Câu 16:

The novel is regarded as one of the classical works. I really love reading it in my free time.

A. regarded as 
B. classical
C. really
D.  free time.
Câu 17:
Doctors fear possible epidemics of cholera, malaria, and other deadthly diseases
A. fear
B. epidemics
C. malaria,
D. deadthly
Câu 18:

Recovery after the accident will be a continual process that may take several months.

A. Recovery
B. accident
C. continual
Câu 19:

With rents so high, it wasn’t economic to continue to live in the city.

A. high
B. economic
C. continue
D. in the city.
Câu 20:

The newspaper, or more especially, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs.

A. especially,
B. editor,
C. taken
D. for publishing
Câu 21:
Most of these women are very poorly paid and work in terrific conditions.
A. Most of
B. women
C. poorly
D. terrific
Câu 22:

An area with a favourite climate will inevitably be richer than one without.

A. area
B. favourite
C. inevitably
D. one
Câu 23:

It is awful to see these magnificent creatures in flight. I have never seen these things before.

A. awful
B. magnificent
C. flight
D. have never seen
Câu 24:
This win could prove to be a historical turning point in the fortunes of the team.
A. prove to
B. historical
C. point
D. fortunes
Câu 25:

You’ll need to be a little more imaginable if you want to hold their attention.

A. need to be
C. want to
D. attention.
Câu 26:

Her suite of rooms was cool and restless and there was a small balcony beyond the bedroom window.

A. suite of
B. restless
C. was
D. beyond
Câu 27:

Every employee is expected to be competent and industrial because wage rates depend on levels of productivity.

A. employee
B. competent
C. industrial
D. depend on 
Câu 28:
The service was not entirely dependent and flights were often cancelled.
A. service
B. entirely
C. dependent
D. cancelled.
Câu 29:

The documentary offers an insight into the every day lives of millions of ordinary Russian citizens.

A. offers 
B. into 
C. every day
D. ordinary
Câu 30:

We need someone really effective who can organize the office and make it smoothly.

A. need
B. effective
C. organize
D. smoothly.
Câu 31:
The organization works on the principal that all members have the same rights.
A. works
B. principal
C. members
D. the same
Câu 32:

She offered me more money or a car and I chose the later.

A. offered
B. more
C. or
D. later.
Câu 33:

In this teaching practice, teachers illicit and build on their students’ mathematical insights.

A.teaching practice,
B. illicit
C. build 
D. mathematical
Câu 34:

The children were surprised by the sudden entrance of their teacher.

A. The children
B. surprised
C. sudden
D. entrance
Câu 35:

Her health has improved drastically since she started on this new diet.

A. Her health
B. drastically
C. started
D. new diet.
Câu 36:

His company offers a flexible package service for the food industry.

A. offers
B. flexible
C. package
D. industry
Câu 37:

A growing percent of women are delaying marriage to pursue professional careers.

A. A
B. percent
C. are delaying
D. professional
Câu 38:
She made a fabulous desert with alternate layers of chocolate and cream
A. made
B. desert
C. alternate
D. of
Câu 39:

The new trade agreement should felicitate more rapid economic growth.

A. trade
B. felicitate
C. rapid
D. growth.
Câu 40:
He was arrested at the airport with a kilo of heroine secreted in his clothing
A. arrested
B. with
C. heroine
D. clothing
Câu 41:
She complained that her husband never paid her any complement anymore.
A. complained 
B. paid
C. complement
D. anymore.
Câu 42:
The accident caused intensive damage to both cars, but fortunately no one died.
A. accident
B. intensive
C. both
D. fortunately
Câu 43:
The text has numerous foul, but none are particularly significant.
A. text 
B. foul
C. none
D. particularly
Câu 44:
We really should meet sometimes soon to discuss the details.
A. really
B. sometimes
C. discuss
D. details.
Câu 45:

The author’s wife was a good editor, beside being a great writer herself.

A. author’s wife
B. good
C. beside
D. great
Câu 46:

Therefore, heavy reliance on this single strategy is highly unsafe, and the timely development of alternative or complementary methods to chemical control is advisory,

A. reliance on
B. highly
C. development of alternative
D. advisory
Câu 47:
We will offer you a comprehensible training in all aspects of the business if you take this course.
A. offer
B. comprehensible
C. aspects
D. take
Câu 48:

When a child becomes a teenager, he encounters many experiences which are new for him to handle independently and on his own. Children of this age are often highly

A. becomes
B. encounters
C. handle

D. suggested..

Câu 49:

The course has four main ingredients: business law, finance, computing and management skills.

A. has
B. ingredients
C. finance,
D. management 
Câu 50:

He was not seriously wounded, though his coach took him off at half-time as a precaution.

A. seriously
B. wounded,
C. took him off
D. precaution.
Câu 51:

Someone has leaked confident government Information to the press.

A. has leaked
B. confident
C. Information
D. the press.
Câu 52:

Scientists have invented how to predict an earthquake.

A. Scientists
B. invented
C. predict
D. earthquake
Câu 53:

Safety regulations are being neglected by company managers in the drive to increase profits.

A. regulations
B. neglected
C. manager
D. increase
Câu 54:

The study founded that men who were married lived longer than those who were not.

A. founded 
B. were married
C. longer
D. were not.
Câu 55:

She lied aside her book and went to answer the phone.

A. lied
B. her
C. went 
D. the
Câu 56:

We were having such a good time that we decided to last our stay by another week.

A. such
B. time
C. last
D. another
Câu 57:

The government has pledged to drop the amount of chemicals used in food production.

A. government
B. pledged
C. drop
D. production.
Câu 58:

The plans for the new development have risen angry protests from local residents.

A. plans
B. development
C. risen
D. protests
Câu 59:
I’m exhausted. I’d like to rest a while before we continue,
A. exhausted. 
B. to res
C. a while
D. continue,
Câu 60:
The police offered an award for any information about the robbery.
A. police 
B. an award
C. information
D. robbery.
Câu 61:

Mia, you’re always forgetting your car keys on your desk. I’m getting tired of telling you about that.

A. always
B. forgetting
C. on your desk.
D. tired of
Câu 62:

The repayment period will be expanded from 20 years to 25 years.

A. repayment
B. period
C. expanded
D. to 
Câu 63:
She gave me her insurance that she would sign the contract immediately.
A. gave
B. insurance
C. sign 
D. immediately.
Câu 64:

Some of the larger birds can remain stationery in the air for several minutes.

A. Some
B. birds
C. stationery
D. severa
Câu 65:
In September, these birds immigrate 2,000 miles south to a warmer climate.
A. In
B. immigrate
C. miles
D. warmer
Câu 66:

There aren’t any posters, so we’ll have to find a trolley for the luggage.

A. aren’t
B. posters,
C. find
D. luggage.
Câu 67:

Farmers are facing ruin after two years of severe draught.

A. Farmers
B. ruin
B. years
D. draught.
Câu 68:

I’d have sank if he hadn’t happened along and pulled me out of the river.

A. sank
B. hadn’t happened
C. pulled
D. out
Câu 69:
The country’s president is seeking to repair relations with the United States
A. country’s
B. is seeking
C. repair
D. with
Câu 70:

She’s been accused of disusing federal funds to pay for her son’s private school expenses.

A. accused of
B. disusing
C. pay for 
D. private
Câu 71:
Doctors are trained to realize the symptoms of different diseases.
A. are trained
B. realize
C. symptoms
D. diseases.
Câu 72:

The sun was hot, and there were no trees to offer US shadow.

A. The
B. hot
C. trees 
D. shadow.
Câu 73:

How much did you have to lend to pay for this?

A. much
B. have to lend 
C. pay
D. for
Câu 74:
She is always polite and considerable towards her employees.
A. always
B. considerable
C. towards
D. employees.
Câu 75:
His continuous demands for sympathy became quite a strain on his friends.
A. continuous
B. for
C. became 
D. strain
Câu 76:
I’ll need to take out extra car assurance for another driver.
A. to take
B. extra
C. assurance 
D. another
Câu 77:
He’s the author of several hugely successive children’s books.
A. the
B. author
C. hugely
D. successive
Câu 78:

I discovered latter that she’d known all about it from the beginning.

A. discovered
B. latter
C. known
D. the beginning.
Câu 79:
The equator is an imaginative line around the middle of the earth.
A. equator
B. imaginative
C. around
D. the
Câu 80:

We only need one more player for this game. Can you convince your sister to join in?

A. only 
B. one more
C. convince
D. join in
Câu 81:

The activity of English and French pirates began in the 16th century, and reached its climate in the middle of the 17th century.

A. English and French
B. began
C. reached
D. climate 
Câu 82:

Unfortunately, the authors have been unsuccessful so far in finding a satisfying explanation for this surprisingly simple correlation within the framework of the present theory.

A. Unfortunately,
B. so far
C. satisfying 
D. correlation
Câu 83:

I am sick of being too sacred to say what I think, or to tell people when they are out of line.

A. am sick of
B. sacred
C. or
D. out of line.
Câu 84:

We can confirm that we have been in communication with the application and have responded fully to any concerns raised by her.

A. confirm
B. in communication
C. application
D. raised
Câu 85:

In addition to a competitive salary, the company offers attractive benefits. As a result, the number of employers in the company has trebled over the past decade.

A. In addition to
B. attractive
C. the number of employers
D. decade.
Câu 86:

It has to be said it was rather ingenious of him to ask a complete stranger to take care of his luggage.

A. has to be
B. rather ingenious
C. complete stranger 
D. take care of
Câu 87:

She gave him detailed directions on the procedure to be followed so that he can quickly complete the task.

A. gave
B. directions
C. so that
D. complete
Câu 88:

It’s a very permissible school where the children are allowed to do whatever they want.

A. permissible
B. where
C. are allowed to
D. want.
Câu 89:

One of the minus points of working at home is not having sociable contact with colleagues.

A. One of
B. points of
C. at home
D. sociable
Câu 90:

The building was burnt to the ground with all that it contained, including his private dairy for forty years.

A. was burnt
B. with
C. contained, 
D. dairy
Câu 91:

A mouse is a devise that makes it easier to select different options from computer menus.

A. devise
B. makes
C. different
D. computer menus.
Câu 92:

Any manufacturer who does not conform to the standards could be persecuted under the Consumers Protection Act, 1987

A. Any manufacturer
B. conform
C. persecuted
D. Act,
Câu 93:

I know you’ve been trained as a teacher, but do you have any practicable teaching experience?

A. trained 
B. but
C. practicable
D. experience
Câu 94:

The realty of the situation is that unless we find some new funding soon, the youth centre will have to close.

A. realty
B. unless
C. funding
D. will
Câu 95:

He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent residence because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.

A. entered
B. in 1988
C. residence
D. marriage to
Câu 96:

Designed to enhance stability and wartime production, the new laws only lowered workers’ moral and decreased output.

A. to enhance
B. production,
C. moral
D. output.
Câu 97:

These youngsters are often involved in pretty crime such as shoplifting and casual theft.

A. youngsters
B. pretty
C. such as
D. casual 
Câu 98:

The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy excess to the required information.

A. has been designed
B. quick
C. excess
D. required 
Câu 99:

Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging affect on the environment. However, many farmers are still using them on their farm.

A. have been banned
B. affect
C. the
D. However,
Câu 100:

The ways in which organisms have adopted to survive in this extreme environment are not well understood.

A. in which
B. adopted
C. extreme environment are
D. are
Câu 101:

We should remember that all these things have been discovered by way of rigorous analysis and exhausted experience, not by intuition.

A. should remember
B. have been discovered
C. rigorous

D. exhausted

Câu 102:

Not surprisingly, parents who show antipathy toward their child are also more likely to be emotionally or physically negligible and abusive.

A. who
B. toward
C. likely to
D. negligible
Câu 103:

Though it was adopted energetically, its real impact eventually proved neglected, except for an initial flutter of activity.

A. Though
B. energetically
C. neglected
D. initial
Câu 104:

He’s a good teacher, but he doesn’t have much patients with the slower pupils.

A. good teacher
B. doesn’t have
C. patient
D. slower
Câu 105:

Numerate substances are found in nature and in the body that function as protective agents against oxygen-free radicals.

A. Numerate
B. found
C. function
D. agents
Câu 106:

Police are investigating a possible relative between the murder and a robbery that took place last year.

A. are
B. relative
C. and 
D. took
Câu 107:

Broker-dealers must use their judgment in assessing whether the issuer information is from a reliant source.

A. judgment
B. whether
C. from
D. reliant
Câu 108:

Managers were asked what one piece of advise they would give to the board to improve the quality of their working lives.

A. were asked
B. advise 
C. to improve
D. quality
Câu 109:

The final technical report into the accident reinforces the findings of initiative investigations.

A. final
B. into
C. reinforces
D. initiative
Câu 110:
She holds a degree in human resource management from San Francisco State University
A. holds
B. degree
C. management
D. from
Câu 111:

People may also become celebrations due to media attention on their lifestyle, wealth, or controversial actions, or for their connection to a famous person.

A. may
B. celebrations
C. controversial
D. connection to
Câu 112:

Any healthy relation should allow each partner to feel respected enough to share an opinion, even if it opposes the other partner’s opinion.

A. relation
B. partner 
C. to share
D. opposes
Câu 113:

An advertisement strategy is a plan to reach and persuade a customer to buyproduct or a service.

A. advertisement 
B. to reach
C. persuade
D. to buy
Câu 114:

People who cannot find time for creation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.

A. who
B. creation
C. Sooner or late
D. illness.
Câu 115:

Take some foreign currency to cover incidentals like the taxi fee to your hotel.

A. Take
B. currency
C. like
D. fee
Câu 116:

Your annual wage is the amount of money your employer pays you over the course of a year in exchange for the work you perform

A. wage 
B. employer
C. in exchange
D. perform
Câu 117:

The Oscars award ceremony is one of the famous ceremonies in the world, and is watched lively on TV in over 200 countries

A. award
B. ceremonies
C. lively
D. countries
Câu 118:

Wildlife conversation is the practice of protecting wild species and their habitats in order to prevent species from going extinct.

A. conversation
B. practice of
C. habitats
D. extinct.
Câu 119:

The treatment for people addictive to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques.

A. treatment
B. addictive
C. includes
D. relaxation
Câu 120:

I’m not surprised he failed his exam - he didn’t exactly try very hardly!

A. surprised
B. exam
C. exactly
D. hardly!
Câu 121:

After having chicken pox as a child, I am susceptible to getting a breakout of shingles since the virus is already in my system.

A. child
B. susceptible
C. a breakout
D. system.
Câu 122:

There were several competitive accounts of what actually happened that night.

A. There were
B. competitive
C. of what
D. actually
Câu 123:

There's milk on the floor over there - could you get a cleaning clothing and mop it up?

A. on the floor
B. could
C. clothing
D. mop it up
Câu 124:

According to some estimations, almost half the world is living through this pandemic without the internet.

A. estimations
B. almost
C. pandemic
D. the 
Câu 125:

I intend to take an IT course because acquiring enhanced IT skills will improve my employment

A. to take 
B. acquiring
C. will improve
D. employment
Câu 126:

They sell a wide range of domestic applications —washing machines, dishwashers and so on.

A. sell
B. a wide rang
C. applications
D. and so on.
Câu 127:

This city is full of well-paid software engineers, which is very difficult for me to find a job.

A. full
B. well-paid
C. which
D. to find
Câu 128:

The crushing leaves of yarrow can serve as a traditional medicine for cleansing wounds.

A. crushing
B. an serve

C. as

D. wounds.
Câu 129:

Inflation is now at a rate comparative with that in other European countries.

A. at a rate
B. comparative
C. that
D. other
Câu 130:

Each of these stages is an element in a complex sociable structure and cultural context.

A. these
B. is
C. sociable
D. context.
Câu 131:
He has commented and written up nearly 50 match reports all over the world.
A. commented 
B. written up
C. nearly
D. match reports
Câu 132:

Inside the villa, the first thing you will notice is an old-fashioned gas lamp hanged from the ceiling.

A. Inside
B. first
C. an
D. hanged
Câu 133:

I absolutely deny to take part in any unethical or illegal activities such as gambling, stealing and drug dealing.

A. deny
B. unethical
C. such as
D. dealing.
Câu 134:
She was rather annoying to discover that her boyfriend hadn't told her the truth.
A. rather
B. annoying
C. hadn't told
Câu 135:
Her business is such a rare successful story in the time of deep economic recession.
A. such
B. successful
C. in
D. economic
Câu 136:

According to one high placed source, the prime minister had threatened to resign over  this issue.

A. high
B. the
C. had threatened
D. resign over
Câu 137:

The FBI had a major international incident last year, but they did such a good job covering it up to avoid publication that no one knows what happened specifically.

A. major 
B. incident
C. publication
D. specifically
Câu 138:

Our client an International conservation charity is looking for a press official tocover a maternity leave vacancy at their zoo.

A. client
B. official
C. maternity
D. vacancy
Câu 139:

The new government has decided to set all political prisoners freely.

A. The
B. has
C. all
D. freely.
Câu 140:

The four-time champion was unexpectedly hit in the second round of the competition.

A. four-time
B. hit

C. in

D. round
Câu 141:

My younger brother is determined to erase the memory of a disappointed Cup debut two years ago.

A. younger
B. determined
C. disappointed
D. years
Câu 142:
You'll get more flavour from the species if you grind them into a powder.
A. get
B. from
C. species
D. powder.
Câu 143:

These metal exercises are designed to break linear thinking habits and encourage the creativity that is needed for innovation.

A. metal
B. are
C. encourage
C. that
Câu 144:

Children at an impressive age should be under close parental supervision since they may be led astray by their unsuitable friends.

A. impressive
B. parental
C. astray
D. unsuitable
Câu 145:

Covid-19, a highly communicative disease, will wreak havoc on a massive scale unless necessary prevention measures are implemented.

A. communicative
B. wreak
C. massive
D. implemented.
Câu 146:

People gathered in the main square on the Independence Day to memorize those who had made the supreme sacrifice for the liberation of the nation.

A. gathered
B. Independence
C. memorize 
D. supreme
Câu 147:

Given its recent cancellations of numerous flights, many people have expressed doubts about the reliance of the airline.

A. cancellation
B. numerous
C. expressed
D. reliance
Câu 148:

The team's spirits were really low after the first loss, but their morality was improved remarkably after the next three consecutive victories.

A. low 
B. morality
C. remarkably
D. consecutive
Câu 149:

Protective gear for fire fighters is supposed to make of inflammable materials so as to eliminate the risk of fires.

A. Protective
B. inflammable
C. eliminate
D. risk
Câu 150:

Public speaking is quite a frightening experience for many people as it can produce a status of mind similar to panic

A. quite
B. frightening
C. status
D. panic
Câu 151:

One necessary preventive measure to be take is that the public should be on the outlook for symptoms of the disease.

A. preventive
B. take
C. the public
D. outlook
Câu 152:

TikTok, a very entertained application, has become popular with the young recently.

A. a

B. entertained
C. has become
D. the young
Câu 153:
He was described as a good man, a careful father and a considerate neighbor.
A. was described
B. as
C. careful
D. considerate
Câu 154:

He was a well-known writer with his writing style combining between realism and romance.

A. well-known
B. his writing style
C. between
D. romance.
Câu 155:

My boss have said that we have a different salary structure based on employees' experience.

A. have said
C. different
C. based on
D. experience.
Câu 156:

In my experiences, very few people really understand the problem so as to find a good solution to it.

A. experiences,
B. few
C. so as to
D. to
Câu 157:

Physical attraction is very important to some people, but I love her for her characters.

A. attraction
B. to
C. but
D. for her character
Câu 158:

He reached marital age, but he still liked hanging around with his lazy friends, which made his parents upset.

A. marital
B. hanging around
C. his lazy friends
D. upset.
Câu 159:

About 23% of men and women ageing 25 to 34 said they had lived with a partner without getting married.

A. About 2
B. ageing
C. had lived
D. getting married.
Câu 160:
Parents worry over a school's quality and the attention of its staff.
A. worry over
B. quality
C. attention
D. staff.
Câu 161:

This recipe is only for four, so I usually double the quality if I'm cooking for my family,

A. recipe
B. double
C. quality
D. for my family,
Câu 162:

Visitors to the country have been asked to fill in a detailed question which tries to find out what make them wish to return to this country.

A. have been asked 
B. fill in
C. question
D. make them wish
Câu 163:

According to the results of some research, the earliest recorded use of the word is in the twelfth century.

A. According to
B. research
C. use
D. is
Câu 164:
These companies operate under a strict array of rules, which helps them run smoothly.
A. These
B. operate
C. array
D. smoothly.
Câu 165:
Seeing him sleeping well, she spoke in a quite voice so as not to wake him.
A. Seeing
B. sleeping well
C. quite
D. wake
Câu 166:
Being a pool attendee, his main responsibility is to keep a constant watch on swimmers.
A. attendee
B. is to keep
C. watch
D. swimmers.
Câu 167:

Banks have realized they need to provide additional functions at ATMs.

A. Banks
B. realized
C. to provide
D. functions
Câu 168:

I'm not a heavy drinker but a societal drinker - I only drink when I'm with other people.

A. heavy drinker
B. societal
C. I'm with
D. other
Câu 169:

Students are supposed to show initiative, imagination and origin in their work if they want to get high marks.

A. supposed
B. show
C. origin
D. get high marks.
Câu 170:

The number of employers in the company has trebled over the past decade.

A. The
B. employers
C. has trebled
D. past
Câu 171:

They have carried exhausting research into the effects of smartphone on schoolchildren’s behaviour and their academic performance.

A. exhausting
B. into
C. behaviour
D. academic performance.
Câu 172:

A packet of white power was found and police scientists are analysing it.

A. A
B. power
C. found
D. are
Câu 173:

There being no posters, we'll have to find a trolley for the luggage.

A. being
B. posters
C. have to
D. for
Câu 174:

Can you close the window? I'm in a drought.

A. Can
B. the
C. I'm
D. drought.
Câu 175:

There is no doubt that the cost of living in many megacities around the world is raising.

A. There
B. cost
C. around
D. raising.
Câu 176:

Thieves broke the shop window and carried off jewellery priced thousands of pounds.

A. Thieves
B. and
C. priced
D. pounds.
Câu 177:
Unnecessary to say, she’ll face the axe soon should her productivity not improve
A. Unnecessary
B. the
C. should
D. improve
Câu 178:

It is essential to provide high school students with adequate career orientation, so they can make more informative decisions about their future major.

A. essential
B. orientation,
C. informative
D. major.
Câu 179:
She criticizes what she sees as discriminating treatment of overweight people.
A. criticizes
B. sees as
C. discriminating
D. overweight
Câu 180:

Equation is an imaginary line around the earth or another planet at an equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole.

A. Equation
B. imaginary
C. another planet
D. distance
Câu 181:

The dealer will provide you with a courteous car while your vehicle is being repaired.

A. dealer
B. courteous
C. vehicle
D. repaired.
Câu 182:

My mother is a good cooker who always prepares a square meal for us.

A. cooker
B. prepares
C. square
D. for
Câu 183:

My boyfriend says I'd like going on a camping trip, but I'm not convincing.

A. says
B. going on
C. trip,
D. convincing.
Câu 184:

When asked to pick the correctional meaning from four alternatives, students consistently chose the correct one.

A. asked
B. correctional
C. alternatives,
D. consistently
Câu 185:

I hope people will be encouraging enough to speak out against this injustice.

A. hope
B. encouraging
C. speak out
D. injustice.
Câu 186:

This paint has an addition that keeps mold from growing on it.

A. paint
B. addition
C. keeps
D. growing on
Câu 187:

You can get recreational with this recipe and add whatever fruit you like.

A. recreational
B. recipe
C. whatever 
D. like.
Câu 188:

The most important thing is the quality and acceptance of the product.

A. The most
B. quality
C. acceptance 
D. product.
Câu 189:
After a long journey I was looking forward to sleeping in a comforting bed.
A. After
B. journey 
C. to sleeping
D. comforting
Câu 190:
The survey found no correspondent between crime and unemployment rates.
A. survey
B. correspondent
C. crime
D. rates.
Câu 191:

They've done an admiring job in making sure that all the supplies got through.

A. done 
B. admiring
C. making sure
D. supplies
Câu 192:

He was very contemptible of "popular" writers, whom he described as having no talent.

A. contemptible
B. popular
C. described as
D. no talent.
Câu 193:
She wanted to be a nurse, but was denied admittance into nursing school.
A. to be
B. denied
C. admittance
D. nursing
Câu 194:

She changes from a loud, happy and bubbly person into being arguable and aggressive.

A. changes
B. bubbly
C. arguable
D. aggressive.
Câu 195:

The prime minister dealt with the interviewer's questions in a very artistic way.

A. prime minister
B. dealt with
C. questions
D. artistic
Câu 196:

He maintained his composition despite a desperate desire to laugh.

A. maintained
B. composition
C. desperate
D. desire 
Câu 197:

Don’t worry. I am here to provide you with advice and assistant in finding a solution to the problem.

A. Don’t worry. 
B. provide
C. assistant
D. solution
Câu 198:

Burglaries broke into the gallery and stole dozens of priceless paintings.

A. Burglaries
B. broke into
C. dozens
D. priceless
Câu 199:

A Marine honour guard flanks the president during ceremonious events at the White House.

A. honour
B. flanks
C. president
D. ceremonious
Câu 200:

He wasn't enjoying the occasion so he thought he'd spoil it for everyone else - it was very childless of him.

A. enjoying
B. occasion 
C. spoil
D. childless
Câu 201:
He’s presenting a plan that is morally defensive and politically realistic.
A. presenting
B. morally
C. defensive
D. realistic.
Câu 202:

Climate was a decided factor in establishing where the tournament should be held.

A. Climate
B. decided
C. establishing
D. tournament
Câu 203:

There needs to be a partnership between police and public in the fight against criminal.

A. needs
B. partnership
C. fight
D. criminal.
Câu 204:

It will require a collectible effort from government, providers, and the media to meet our goals.

A. collectible
B. government,
C. media
D. goals.
Câu 205:

Security employees discovered that classifiable information and passwords had been leaked onto the internet.

A. Security
B. discovered
C. classifiable
D. leaked
Câu 206:

We need to become more engaging with our history as a nation.

A. need to
B. engaging
C. our
D. as a nation.
Câu 207:
He was in an expandable mood on the night of the party.
A. was
B. expandable
C. mood
D. on the night
Câu 208:

The shop is now facing closeness after local councilors dismissed the licence application.

A. shop
B. closeness
C. councilors
D. licence
Câu 209:

If you're looking for a truly electrical day out, why not visit First Hydro's Electric Mountain Visitors Center.

A. truly electrical
B. why not visit
C. Electric
D. Visitors
Câu 210:
Whether or not to move overseas was a momentary decision for the family.
A. Whether or not
B. overseas
C. momentary
D. decision
Câu 211:
He has a reputation as the most enduring player in baseball history.
A. reputation
B. the
C. enduring
D. baseball
Câu 212:

A new educated programme has been set up for economically disadvantaged children.

A. educated
B. programme
C. set up
D. disadvantaged
Câu 213:

It's disappointing that the president has not presented a cohesive plan for dealing with it.

A. disappointing
B. president
C. presented
D. cohesive
Câu 214:
The look on her face was a definable sign that something was wrong.
A. look on
B. face
C. definable
D. something
Câu 215:

The chairman welcomed the company's credible performance in the previous year.

A. chairman
B. welcomed
C. credible
D. previous
Câu 216:

Do you believe in the curable powers of the local mineral water?

A. believe
B. curable
C. powers
D. mineral
Câu 217:
Her new detectable series will be her debut on the small screen.
A. detectable
B. series
C. debut
D. screen.
Câu 218:

There are at least 20 distinguished dialects of the language just on the south island.

A. at least
B. distinguished
C. dialects
D. on the south
Câu 219:

The boy and another seriously injurious person were evacuated by air ambulance.

A. another
B. injurious
C. evacuated
D. ambulance.
Câu 220:

Some dishes would be very bland without the judgmental use of spices and other seasonings.

A. bland
B. judgmental
C. spices
D. seasonings.
Câu 221:

Using these missiles to down civilian aircraft is simply immoral and totally unjustified.

A. missiles
B. civilian
C. immoral
D. unjustified.
Câu 222:

The airport is in a chaotic situation because the announcement caused momentous confusion among the passengers.

A. chaotic
B. announcement
C. momentous
D. passengers.
Câu 223:

The hall's moving seating and flooring will allow it to be used as performance space for traveling stage shows.

A. moving
B. flooring
C. used as
D. stage
Câu 224:

1 can’t understand why people like this film. I find the violence in that film really objective,

A. understand
D. this
B. violence
D. objective,
Câu 225:

It is obliged to report all cases of the disease to the authorities,

A. obliged
B. cases
C. disease
D. authorities,
Câu 226:

As a well-established educator, she keeps an observational eye on developments in education.

A. well-established
B. keeps
C. observational
D. developments
Câu 227:

It is not acceptable, in a modern company, to give preferable treatment to your relatives and friends.

A. acceptable,
B. modern
C. preferable
D. relatives
Câu 228:

In the past ten years, preventable measures have radically reduced levels of tooth decay in children.

A. preventable
B. radically
C. levels
D. tooth decay
Câu 229:
When the Asian financial crisis hit, it shut 32 non-profit businesses.
A. Asian
B. crisis hit
C. shut
D. non-profit
Câu 230:

The omission of a sponsor's name on the program was a regretful error.

A. omission
B. sponsor's
C. program
D. regretful
Câu 231:

The concerts were held in a spatial lounge, complete with overstuffed chairs and couches which gave the impression of a large living room.

A. concerts
B. spatial
C. overstuffed
D. impression
Câu 232:

At their best the conditions in these prisons are barely tolerant.

A. At
B. conditions
C. prisons
D. tolerant.
Câu 233:

This book will be valuable to students and researchers alike with an interest in talk and the interactional production of opinions.

A. valuable
B. alike
C. interest
D. interactional
Câu 234:

The temperature remained constant while pressure was a various in the experiment.

A. temperature
B. constant
C. various
D. experiment.
Câu 235:

The water shortage is due to wasting consumption during a period of drought.

A. shortage
B. wasting
C. consumption
D. period
Câu 236:

For the more adventitious tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a local guide.

A. For
B. adventitious
C. into
D. guide.
Câu 237:
The company has its basement in New York, and branch offices all over the world.
A. The
B. basement
C. branch
D. over
Câu 238:

When we heard she'd got the job, we all went off for a celebrated drink.

A. heard
B. got
C. went off
D. celebrated
Câu 239:

The firm is encouraging people to think about computer networking and conference as a way of cutting air miles.

A. firm
B. think about
C. conference
D. cutting
Câu 240:

The school adopted a new test for giftedness that looked for creative problem solving, diverse thinking, and artistic talent.

A. adopted
B. giftedness
C. diverse
D. artistic
Câu 241:

Counselling can teach people to handle negative emoticons such as fear and anger.

A. Counselling
B. handle
C. emoticons
D. anger.
Câu 242:

In the event of your passport being stolen, contact the embassy at once.

A. event 
B. being stolen
C. contact
D. embassy
Câu 243:

She's in the envious position of being able to choose who she works for.

A. in
B. envious
C. being
D. who
Câu 244:

Police said the name John Haydon was fictional, but the address given was genuine.

A. Police
B. name
C. fictional
D. genuine.
Câu 245:
Tonight's light show is the grand final of a month-long series of events.
A. light
B. final
C. month-long
D. events
Câu 246:

Advances in technology have meant that future fabrics have become a reality, changing the whole nature of how we dress.

A. Advances
B. future
C. reality,
D. nature
Câu 247:

Using a seatbelt will reduce the livelihood of serious injury in a car accident

A. Using
B. will reduce
C. livelihood
D. injury
Câu 248:

There are some stylish elements in the statue that just don't make sense.

A. stylish
B. elements
C. statue
D. sense.
Câu 249:

The whole valley seemed to be under a spell, in a timely past unaffected by world events.

A. whole
B. spell,
C. timely
D. unaffected
Câu 250:

Most of the language used by teenagers today, especially in emails and text messages, is almost unintelligent to elderly people

A. language
B. text messages,
C. unintelligent
D. elderly
Câu 251:

John and Jane would like to have her own house in the future.

A. would like
B. to have
C. her
D. in
Câu 252:

I am going to a wedding on Saturday. A friend of me is getting married.

A. am going
B. a
C. on
D. me
Câu 253:

It's a shame that the apartment hasn't got their own parking space.

A. a shame
B. the
C. hasn't
D. their
Câu 254:

Jack was sitting in a corner of the cafe by themselves when I came.

A. was sitting
B. in
C. by themselves
D. I
Câu 255:

It’s always been one of myself ambitions to travel around the world.

A. been
B. myself
C. to travel
D. around the world.
Câu 256:

He has too many problems of him to help you with your own.

A. has
B. him
C. to help
D. your
Câu 257:
The author of the letter describes myself as a senior government.
A. The
B. the letter
C. myself
D. senior
Câu 258:

We walked around to familiarize the children with our new speaking.

A. walked
B. to familiarize
C. with
D, our 
Câu 259:
I'd like to have a garden so that I could grow its own vegetables.
A. I'd
B. to have
C. so that
D. its
Câu 260:

I remember closing the door behind mine because I am having the key here.

A. closing
B. behind
C. mine
D. am havingD. 
Câu 261:

My parents have gone away with some friends of them.

A. My
B. have
C. with
D. them.
Câu 262:
He ought to be ashamed of him, being rude to parents like that.
A. ought to
B. him
C. rude to
D. like that.
Câu 263:

Now that you’re a well-known novelist, you must here a lot about herself on TV and in the newspaper.

A. well-known
B. herself
C. on TV
D. in the newspaper.
Câu 264:

I could see my brother coming through the park so I hid behind a tree and waited to surprise them.

A. could see
B. through
C. behind a tree
D. them.
Câu 265:
All my friends were away, so he Just didn't know what to do with myself.
A. All my friends
B. he
C. didn't know
D. myself.
Câu 266:
The trousers you bought me were nice and it fit me.
A. you
B. were
C. it
D. me.
Câu 267:

My boyfriend's mother is a very famous singer. I love his songs a lot.

A. My boyfriend's mother
B. a
C. his
D. a lot.
Câu 268:

The news comes after they emerged that the highly contagious British Covid-19 variant has now been reported in every state in the US.

A. comes
B. they
C. has now been
D. in the US.
Câu 269:

People come to buy things for his houses because of the plentiful goods here.

A. come
B. for
C. his
D. because of
Câu 270:

The attractions in Singapore are quite close to each other, so travelling between themselves is convenient.

A. attractions
B. are
C. close to
D. themselves
Câu 271:

The helpline promotes child participation in their operations by involving children as peer communicators.

A. promotes
B. their
C. involving
D. peer communicators.
Câu 272:

In Britain friends often give their presents at Christmas.

A. In
B. give
C. their
D. at Christmas.
Câu 273:

Children used to play outdoors with things it found, like stones or feathers.

A. to play
B. with
C. it
D. like
Câu 274:

Although he helped other athletes in their preparations for competing at  high attitudes, they found it difficult to acclimatize himself.

A. helped
B. in
C. competing
D. they
Câu 275:

There were only a few classrooms and its walls were made of mud and straw.

A. were
B. its 
C. were made of
D. and
Câu 276:

In 1995, I went back to Vietnam after 30 years and to its surprise, the population was three times higher.

A. went
B. after
C. its
D. was
Câu 277:
His house was far away so I had to live with my relatives.
A. His
B. was

C. so

D. with my relatives.
Câu 278:

Both of us were very talented and influential but I prefer Steve Jobs.

A. us
B. and
C. but
D. prefer
Câu 279:

A lot of people left his home villages for urban areas hoping to find a better job.

A. A lot of people
B. his
C. for
D. to find
Câu 280:

Soot does not only have an impact on global warming and climate change, but they are also unhealthy.

A. does not
C. on
C. and
D. they
Câu 281:

My brother helps me with my homework yesterday evening.

A. helps
B. with
C. homework
D. evening.
Câu 282:
Have you met any of your neighbours since you live here?
A. Have
B. any
C. since
D. live
Câu 283:

After he will leave school, he will spend six months in India.

A. After
B. will leave
C. will spend
D. in India.
Câu 284:

This is the first time I see Jan look embarrassed about a girl.

A. is
B. see
C. look
D. embarrassed
Câu 285:
When I started to study university, I lived with my parents.
A. When
C. lived
D. my parents.
Câu 286:

Last week I have to bring work home every night to get it all done.

A. Last week
B. have to
C. every
D. to get
Câu 287:

They had been given help and advice before they were making the decision.

A. had been given
B. and 
C. before
D. were making
Câu 288:

As part of my job, I am travelling abroad a lot so I need to improve my English.

A. part of
B. am travelling
C. so 
D. to improve
Câu 289:

I come from Italy but I study in England at the moment.

A. come
B. but 
C. study
D. at the moment.
Câu 290:
He played football all afternoon and needs a shower.
A. played
B. all afternoon
C. needs
D. a shower.
Câu 291:
I feel terrible. I think I will be sick.
A. feel
B. think
C. will be
D. sick.
Câu 292:

Thanks for lending me the money. I am paying you back on Friday.

A. for
B. me
C. am paying
D. on Friday.
Câu 293:
I first met Steve and Rosie when they go out with their best friend.
A. met
B. when
C. go out
D. their
Câu 294:

As planned I will meet Kate tomorrow morning for our shared project.

A. planned
B. will meet
C. morning
D. our
Câu 295:
Mai invites her classmates to her 18th birthday party last week.
A. invites
B. to
C. party
D. week.
Câu 296:

By the time I picked up the phone, they already rang off.

A. By the time
B. picked
C. they
D. already rang off.
Câu 297:

Yesterday morning, Joe arrives late for school for the first time.

A. morning, 
B. arrives
C. arrives
D. first
Câu 298:

By the time he arrives in Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow, the event will be happening.

A. By
B. arrives
C. tomorrow,
D. will be happening.
Câu 299:

By 1987, he has been working in New York for 3 years.

A. By 1987
B. has been working
C. New York 
D. for 3 years.
Câu 300:

She wrote the book since she was twenties and at last it's finished.

A. wrote
B. since
C. was 
D. it's finished.
Câu 301:
It snowed heavily for hours and when I went to the door I couldn't open it.
A. snowed
B. for
C. went
D. couldn't open
Câu 302:
By the time we reach Da Nang, we drove for twelve hours.
A. By the time
B. reach 
C. drove
D. for
Câu 303:
Do you think they will complete the construction of the tunnel by the end of this year?   
A. Do you think
B. will complete
C. of the tunnel
D. by the end
Câu 304:
Robert usually go away two or three times a year.
A. usually go
B. or
C. times a
D. year.
Câu 305:

I live with some friends until I find a place.

A. live
B. some
C. until
D. find
Câu 306:

At lunch time tomorrow, they are having a meal with their friends from Mexico.

A. At lunch time
B. are having
C. their
D. from
Câu 307:

By the time the train arrives, we will be waiting here for more than half an hour.

A. By the time
B. arrives,
C. will be waiting
D. for
Câu 308:

You will have been able to see much better with these new glasses.

A. will have been
B. to see
C. better
D. these new glasses.
Câu 309:

Alan says he’s 90 years old but nobody believed him.

A. says
B. years old
C. believed
D. him.
Câu 310:
When we walked home, I met Dan, my old friend.
A. When
B. walked
C. met
D. my old friend.
Câu 311:

At the end of our journey we were extremely tired. We have travelled for more than 24 hours.

A. At the end
B. were
C. have travelled
D. more than
Câu 312:

We knew Betty since she moved to our neighbourhood.

A. knew
B. since 
C. moved
D. our neighbourhood.
Câu 313:

At this time last week the children took part in the English-Speaking Contest.

A. At
B. last week
C. took
D. the English-Speaking Contest.
Câu 314:

He is normally patient, but today he behaves unreasonably about waiting.

A. is
B. today
C. behaves
D. about
Câu 315:

It is dangerous to use your phone when you drive.

A. is
B. to use
C. when 
D. drive.
Câu 316:

This time next week we will have lain on the beach.

A. This time
B. week
C. will have lain
D. on
Câu 317:

Yesterday I met an old school friend who I haven’t seen for years.

A. Yesterday
B. met
C. an old school friend
D. haven’t seen
Câu 318:

I don't think you appreciated how much time I spent preparing this meal.

A. don't think
B. appreciated
C. spent
D. preparing 
Câu 319:
If you passed a supermarket, could you get me some milk?
A. If
B. passed
C. get
D. some
Câu 320:
Before she went out yesterday, she washed her hair.
A. Before
B. went out
C. washed
D. her