Kiểm tra unit 4

  • 1Làm xong biết đáp án, phương pháp giải chi tiết.
  • 2Học sinh có thể hỏi và trao đổi lại nếu không hiểu.
  • 3Xem lại lý thuyết, lưu bài tập và note lại các chú ý
  • 4Biết điểm yếu và có hướng giải pháp cải thiện

Câu 1:

Choose the best answer

Volunteers become more _______ of the problems facing the world.

A. concerned and unaware

B. concerning and unaware

C. concerned and aware

D. concerned but aware

Câu 2:

Choose the best answer

If you are ______ in traditional hand-made products and are on the volunteer project for several weeks, you may have the opportunity to learn the ______ and embroidery skills from the artisans.

A. interesting - weaving

B. interested - weaving

C. interested - woven

D. interesting - woven

Câu 3:

Choose the best answer

Volunteers For Peace Viet Nam (VPV) offers _______ programmes in North and South Viet Nam.

A. dedicate

B. dedicated

C. dedication

D. dedicating

Câu 4:

Choose the best answer

Together with volunteers, through our daily activities, we try to protect children from  ________ effects from society.

A. harm

B. harmful

C. harmless

D. unharmed

Câu 5:

Choose the best answer

In our volunteer programme, the possibilities are  ________, and all you need is determination and a little creativity.

A. end

B. ending

C. endless

D. ended

Câu 6:

Choose the best answer

I particularly have a(n)  ________ interest in working with children.

A. interesting

B. interested

C. strong

D. passionate

Câu 7:

Choose the best answer

Teaching English is a great example of a volunteer job that often ________ a career.

A. leads to

B. leads

C. turns

D. turns into

Câu 8:

Choose the best answer

People who volunteer in their community have a personal _____ to the area and want to make it a better place for themselves and for others.

A. interest

B. passion

C. attachment

D. attraction

Câu 9:

Choose the best answer

Volunteers For Peace Viet Nam (VPV) is a ______,  non-governmental organization that was founded in 2005 to provide help and education to people in both urban and rural Viet Nam.

A. profit

B. profitable

C. non-profit

D. profident

Câu 10:

Choose the best answer

My passion for volunteering to help children _______ during my middle school years while I ______ for the summer community service.

A. begin - work

B. began - was working

C. have begun - have worked

D. began - has worked

Câu 11:

Choose the best answer

Volunteers ______ games and ______ activities with disadvantaged children while they ______ for the center.

A. played - had - worked

B. were having - having - were working

C. have played - playing - are working

D. played - had - were working

Câu 12:

Choose the best answer

“ ______ your country can do for you - ______ you can do for your country.” (from John Kennedy’s inaugural address)

A. Don't ask what - ask what

B. Ask what - don't ask what

C. Ask not what - ask what

D. Ask not what - ask what

Câu 13:

Choose the best answer

Last year we ______ in the Community Village project in Mai Chau. Hoa Binh while the disabled artisans ______ to follow their trades.

A. join - are trying

B. joined - were trying

C. joined - had tried

D. were joining - were trying

Câu 14:

Choose the best answer

During the volunteer programme, they ______ up international understanding while they ______ for the needs of the local community.

A. builds - are woking

B. were building - were working

C. were building - worked

D. built - were working

Câu 15:

Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

A. interesting

B. singer

C. single

D. strong

Câu 16:

Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

A understanding



D handsome

Câu 17:

Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.





Câu 18:

Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.


B. endless



Câu 19:

Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.


B achievement

C. environment


Câu 20:

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.


B invalid



Câu 21:

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.

A interact




Câu 22:

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.





Câu 23:

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.





Câu 24:

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.

A disabled




Câu 25:

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

VSO is a registered charity dedicated to assisting in developing countries. It is a recruitment agency which finds, selects and places volunteers in response to overseas requests.

This work makes it distinctive among other charities and organizations in the UK. It sends people, not money, so it tries to respond to requests from overseas which ask for volunteers. Its purpose is toward the poorest members of the community. Both staff and volunteers also pay special attention to women’s roles in development projects. This is because women’s roles in child–rearing, in education and community relationship are essential in any healthy process of change.

Over the past 38 years, more than 21.000 volunteers have worked abroad with VSO. There are now over 1,900 volunteers working in 59 of the less developed countries in Africa Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean.

The application of each volunteer is carefully considered in order to select and interview candidates against each job request from the field, to look for the person with the right blend of skills and personality.

VSO volunteers do not go to developing countries as visiting experts with all the answers. It is always a process of sharing and learning. The aim is that when the volunteer returns home, there exists a community with a stronger sense of independence, and a volunteer with a new understanding of life and people everywhere. The range of jobs required of VSO is wide, reflecting the needs of any society in the modern world.

 VSO is different from other charities and oranizations in the UK bacause it____

Ais a registered body

Bsends financial aid to developing countries

Csends volunteers to help abroad

Drecruits volunteer to work in Britain

Câu 26:

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

VSO is a registered charity dedicated to assisting in developing countries. It is a recruitment agency which finds, selects and places volunteers in response to overseas requests.

This work makes it distinctive among other charities and organizations in the UK. It sends people, not money, so it tries to respond to requests from overseas which ask for volunteers. Its purpose is toward the poorest members of the community. Both staff and volunteers also pay special attention to women’s roles in development projects. This is because women’s roles in child–rearing, in education and community relationship are essential in any healthy process of change.

Over the past 38 years, more than 21.000 volunteers have worked abroad with VSO. There are now over 1,900 volunteers working in 59 of the less developed countries in Africa Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean.

The application of each volunteer is carefully considered in order to select and interview candidates against each job request from the field, to look for the person with the right blend of skills and personality.

VSO volunteers do not go to developing countries as visiting experts with all the answers. It is always a process of sharing and learning. The aim is that when the volunteer returns home, there exists a community with a stronger sense of independence, and a volunteer with a new understanding of life and people everywhere. The range of jobs required of VSO is wide, reflecting the needs of any society in the modern world.

Requests from overseas most likely to be dealt with are those which___

Aspecially ask for female staff and volunteers

Brequire volunteers to work with the local inhabitants

Crequire help and advice on health care

Dneed help to train less wealthy members of the community

Câu 27:

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

VSO is a registered charity dedicated to assisting in developing countries. It is a recruitment agency which finds, selects and places volunteers in response to overseas requests.

This work makes it distinctive among other charities and organizations in the UK. It sends people, not money, so it tries to respond to requests from overseas which ask for volunteers. Its purpose is toward the poorest members of the community. Both staff and volunteers also pay special attention to women’s roles in development projects. This is because women’s roles in child–rearing, in education and community relationship are essential in any healthy process of change.

Over the past 38 years, more than 21.000 volunteers have worked abroad with VSO. There are now over 1,900 volunteers working in 59 of the less developed countries in Africa Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean.

The application of each volunteer is carefully considered in order to select and interview candidates against each job request from the field, to look for the person with the right blend of skills and personality.

VSO volunteers do not go to developing countries as visiting experts with all the answers. It is always a process of sharing and learning. The aim is that when the volunteer returns home, there exists a community with a stronger sense of independence, and a volunteer with a new understanding of life and people everywhere. The range of jobs required of VSO is wide, reflecting the needs of any society in the modern world.

According to those who for VSO, who plays the most important part in bringing about change?

Acharitable organizations

Bvolunteers from abroad

Cwomen in local communities

Dstaff who recruit volunteers

Câu 28:

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

VSO is a registered charity dedicated to assisting in developing countries. It is a recruitment agency which finds, selects and places volunteers in response to overseas requests.

This work makes it distinctive among other charities and organizations in the UK. It sends people, not money, so it tries to respond to requests from overseas which ask for volunteers. Its purpose is toward the poorest members of the community. Both staff and volunteers also pay special attention to women’s roles in development projects. This is because women’s roles in child–rearing, in education and community relationship are essential in any healthy process of change.

Over the past 38 years, more than 21.000 volunteers have worked abroad with VSO. There are now over 1,900 volunteers working in 59 of the less developed countries in Africa Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean.

The application of each volunteer is carefully considered in order to select and interview candidates against each job request from the field, to look for the person with the right blend of skills and personality.

VSO volunteers do not go to developing countries as visiting experts with all the answers. It is always a process of sharing and learning. The aim is that when the volunteer returns home, there exists a community with a stronger sense of independence, and a volunteer with a new understanding of life and people everywhere. The range of jobs required of VSO is wide, reflecting the needs of any society in the modern world.

What happens when VSO wants to appoint new volunteers?

AThey give preference to applicants living abroad.

BThey give each applicant several interviews.

CThey refer applications to countries requesting volunteers.

DThey match all applicants to jobs very carefully

Câu 29:

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

VSO is a registered charity dedicated to assisting in developing countries. It is a recruitment agency which finds, selects and places volunteers in response to overseas requests.

This work makes it distinctive among other charities and organizations in the UK. It sends people, not money, so it tries to respond to requests from overseas which ask for volunteers. Its purpose is toward the poorest members of the community. Both staff and volunteers also pay special attention to women’s roles in development projects. This is because women’s roles in child–rearing, in education and community relationship are essential in any healthy process of change.

Over the past 38 years, more than 21.000 volunteers have worked abroad with VSO. There are now over 1,900 volunteers working in 59 of the less developed countries in Africa Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean.

The application of each volunteer is carefully considered in order to select and interview candidates against each job request from the field, to look for the person with the right blend of skills and personality.

VSO volunteers do not go to developing countries as visiting experts with all the answers. It is always a process of sharing and learning. The aim is that when the volunteer returns home, there exists a community with a stronger sense of independence, and a volunteer with a new understanding of life and people everywhere. The range of jobs required of VSO is wide, reflecting the needs of any society in the modern world.

The volunteer chosen to go out to a developing country____.

Amust have experience of working overseas

Bwill quickly become an expert in the field

Cwill gain more knowledge about the world we live in

Dmust leave the country before it becomes independent

Câu 30:

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.

We are interested in American films.

A. American films make us interested.

B. We enjoy watching American films.

C. We find it interesting to watch American films.

D. All are correct.

Câu 31:

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.

I’m not used to getting up early on Sundays.

A. I have to get up early on Sundays.

B. I don't want to get up early on Sundays.

C. I feel strange to get up early on Sundays.

D. I always get up early on Sundays.

Câu 32:

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.

You will have an airplane ticket if you book in advance.

AYou may have an airplane ticket if you book in advance.

B. You can have an airplane ticket because you didn't book in advance.

C. You can't have an airplane ticket although you book in advance.

D. You don't want to have an airplane ticket so you didn't book in advance.

Câu 33:

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.

Please don’t go there now.

A. I'd rather go there now.

B. I'd rather you didn't go there now.

C. I don't like to go there now.

D. You want me to go there now.

Câu 34:

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.

We have been drawing the picture for four hours.

A. We started drawing the picture four hours ago.

B. We didn't start drawing the picture until four.

C. We have four hours to draw the picture.

D. Drawing the picture will be done in four hours.