Trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 10 Unit 10 Reading có đáp án

  • 1Làm xong biết đáp án, phương pháp giải chi tiết.
  • 2Học sinh có thể hỏi và trao đổi lại nếu không hiểu.
  • 3Xem lại lý thuyết, lưu bài tập và note lại các chú ý
  • 4Biết điểm yếu và có hướng giải pháp cải thiện

Câu 1:

Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question

Children’s education is changing rapidly today. In the past, teachers made children sit still for hours. They made them memorize all sorts of things. In other words, children had to go on repeating things until they knew them by heart. Today, many teachers wonder if it possible to make children learn at all. They say you can only help them learn. They say you must let children learn and discover things for themselves.What did teachers make children do in the past?

A. stand for hours

B. memorize everything

C. repeat their homework
D. sit for days
Câu 2:
Children in the past were made to learn everything…………………

A. by head

B. by hand
C. by hair
D. by heart
Câu 3:
Nowadays, many teachers say that they only ……………………

A. give children more homework

B. make children learn
C. help children learn
D. teach children at home
Câu 4:
Today, the modern learning method is ……………………

A. letting children play computer games

B. making children read a lot of books
C. doing homework for childre
D. letting children discover things for themselves
Câu 5:
Read the passage and choose the corretc
I often hear or read about “natural disaster”- the eruption of Mount St Helen, a volcano the state of Washington: Hurricane Andrew in Florida; the floods in the American Midwest; terrible earthquakes all over the world; huge fires; and so on. But I’ll never forget my first personal experience with the strangeness of nature – “the London Killer Fog” of 1952. It began on Thursday, December 4th when a
high –pressure system (warm air) cover southern England. With the freezing-cold air below, heavy fog formed. Pollution from factories, cars, and coal stoves mixed with the fog. The humidity was terribly high, there was no breeze at all. Traffic (cars, trains, and boats) stopped. People couldn’t see, and some walked onto the railroad tracks or into the river. It was hard to breathe, and many people got sick.
Finally on Tuesday, December 9th , the wind came and the fog went away. But after that, even more people got sick, many of them died.
Which natural disaster isn’t mentioned in the text?

A. a volcanic eruption

B. a flood
C. a hurricane
D. a tornado
Câu 6:
What is his unforgettable person experience?

A. the London killer

B. the heavy fog in London
C. the strangeness of nature
D. a high-pressure system
Câu 7:
What didn’t happen during the time of the “London Killer Fog”?

A. pollution

C. heavy rain
D. heavy fog
Câu 8:
The traffic stopped because of ……….

A. The rain

B. the windy weather
C. the humid weather
D. the heavy fog
Câu 9:

Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question

Christmas is the biggest festival of the year in most of Britain. Celebrations start properly on December 24, Christmas Eve, although there have been several weeks of preparation beforehand. The Christmas tree and all the presents, food, drink and decorations have been bought. Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and relations. About a week before Christmas, people usually put up their decorations and decorate the Christmas tree with lights, various colored decorations and an angel on the top. Family presents are usually put under the tree.
Christmas Day is the biggest day of the holiday. On the Christmas morning (often very early), children open the presents that are in their socks. Some families go to church. The traditional Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey with potatoes and various other vegetables. Before the dinner, people usually pull crackers-small rolls of paper that have gifts, jokes, and party hats inside.
People usually decorate the Christmas tree ……………………

A. on December 24

B. on December 25
C. several weeks before Christmas
D. about a week before Christmas
Câu 10:
The most important day of the holiday is ……………………

A. the day before Christmas

B. the day after Christmas Day
C. Christmas Eve
D. Christmas Day
Câu 11:
Children open the presents…………………………

A. on the Christmas morning

B. on the Christmas afternoon
C. on Christmas Eve
D. on December 24
Câu 12:
Which of the following is the traditional Christmas dinner?

A. Roast turkey and potatoes and bread

B. Roast potatoes, tomatoes with turkey and various vegetables
C. Roast turkey with tomatoes and various other vegetables
D. Roast turkey with potatoes and vegetables
Câu 13:
Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question
Pollution is the process of making air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use. For example:
* Air pollution is where there are gases in the air that is harmful, these gases come from object or buildings like harmful smoke from factories, vehicles, automobiles. (cars, trucks, planes, boats) and many more.
* Light pollution is unwanted light, such as the light of cities, street lights, and others makes it hard to see the stars.
* Noise pollution is unwanted noise, such as the sound of cars in a city, loud boats/ship, airplanes, and trains.
* Water pollution is where there are things in the water that are harmful such as crude oil spilled from a shipwrecked tanker, smoke, poison, air pollution, and a lot other things that are not human/plant/animal remains.
Air pollution comes from harmful………………from factories, vehicles, etc.

A. trees

B. parks
C. smoke
D. liquid
Câu 14:
All of the following things cause light pollution except……………

A. traffic light

B. light of cities
C. street lights
D. light of the moon
Câu 15:
Noise pollution is ……………sound of cars, trains, planes, etc.

A. unwanted

B. small

C. interesting

D. useful
Câu 16:
Which of the following sentences is not true?

A. Air pollution comes from harmful gases.

B. Light of the stars causes light pollution
C. Sound from a loud ship cause pollution
D. Water pollution can come from the land.