Trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 10 Unit 4 Writing có đáp án

  • 1Làm xong biết đáp án, phương pháp giải chi tiết.
  • 2Học sinh có thể hỏi và trao đổi lại nếu không hiểu.
  • 3Xem lại lý thuyết, lưu bài tập và note lại các chú ý
  • 4Biết điểm yếu và có hướng giải pháp cải thiện

Câu 1:

Choose the sentence with the same meaning with the given one.

Many people think Steve stole the money.

A. It was not Steve who stole the money.

B. Steve is thought to have stolen the money.

C. Many people think the money is stolen by Steve.

D. The money is thought to be stolen by Steve.

Câu 2:

Mary tried to keep calm although she was very disappointed.

A. Mary was too disappointed to keep calm.

B. Disappointed as she was, Mary tried to keep calm.

C. Mary lost her temper because of her disappointment.

D. Feeling disappointed, Mary tried to keep calm, but she failed.

Câu 3:

Even though it was raining heavily, the explorers decided to continue their journey.

A. It rained so heavily that the explorers could not continue their journey.

B. The explorers put off their journey due to the heavy rain.

C. The heavy rain could not prevent the explorers from continuing their journey.

D. If it had rained heavily, the explorers would not have continued their journey.

Câu 4:

Housewives do not have to spend a lot of time doing housework any more.

A. Housework will never be done by housewives any more.

B. Housewives have to spend more and more time to do housework.

C. Never have housewives spent as much time doing housework as they do now.

D. No longer do housewives have to spend a lot of time doing housework.

Câu 5:

Because it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it.

A. I stayed up all night to finish the novel, therefore, it was interesting.

B. Unless it were an interesting novel, I would stay up all night to finish it.

C. Though it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it.

D. So interesting was the novel that I stayed up all night to finish it.

Câu 6:

He cannot afford a new computer.

A. The new computer is so expensive that he cannot buy it.

B. Therefore, he would buy a new computer.

C. So, he would buy a new computer.

D. The new computer is so expensive but he can buy it.

Câu 7:

The roads were slippery because it snowed heavily.

A. It snowed too heavily to make the roads slippery.

B. The heavy snow prevented the roads from-being slippery.

C. Thanks to the slip of the roads, it snowed heavily.

D. The heavy snow made the roads slippery.

Câu 8:

I did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read his book.

A. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand.

B. The lecturer's book which I had not read was difficult to understand.

C. I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in his book.

D. I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book.

Câu 9:

Because they made too many mistakes, they failed in the exam

A. They made very many mistakes that they failed in the exam

B. They made too many mistakes for them to fail in the exam

C. They made so many mistakes that they failed in the exam

D. They made such many mistakes that they failed in the exam

Câu 10:

She locked the door so as not to be disturbed

A. She locked the door in order that she wouldn’t be disturbed

B. She locked the door to be not disturbed

C. She locked the door for her not to be disturbed

D. She locked the door so that not to not to be disturbed

Câu 11:

Fewer people came to the meeting than we had expected

A. Too many people came to the meeting

B. There were more people at the meeting than we had expected

C. We had expected more people to come to the meeting

D. There were not enough seats for all people as we had expected

Câu 12:

Nancy isn’t used to walking so far

A. Nancy used to walk farther

B. Nancy doesn’t like to walk so far

C. Nancy isn’t accustomed to walking very far

D. Nancy needed help to walk so far

Câu 13:

I do apologize for my forgetting your birthday

A. I did forget your birthday

B. I am really sorry I forgot your birthday

C. I am not sorry at all because I remember your birthday

D. I never apologize for my forgetting birthday

Câu 14:

The coffee was not strong. It didn’t keep us awake

A. The coffee was very strong, but it couldn’t keep us awake

B. We were kept awake because the coffee was strong

C. The coffee was not strong enough to keep us awake

D. The coffee was so hot that it didn’t keep us awake

Câu 15:

The hostess made every effort to see that her guests got the foods and drinks they wanted

A. The hostess tried hard to please her guests

B. Neither The guests nor the hostess had the foods and drinks they wanted

C. The guests refused the foods and drinks prepared by the hostess

D. The hostess was reluctant

Câu 16:

Jane hardly ever enjoyed eating vegetables

A. she enjoys eating vegetables

B. She has fun of growing vegetables

C. She almost never eats vegetables

D. She sells vegetables for living

Câu 17:

Ann never wants to see another horror film

A. Ann hasn’t seen a horror films

B. Ann has enjoyed all horror films she has seen

C. Ann is tired of seeing all horror films

D. She is anxious not to miss the next horror film

Câu 18:

I find it impossible not to worry about Lan

A. I can’t help feeling worried about Lan

B. I feel worried about Lan, but I can’t do anything to help

C. I can’t do nothing to help Lan although I feel worried about her

D. I’m unable to worry about Lan

Câu 19:

You’d better take a taxi; it was raining hard outside

A. You’d better take a taxi in case it was raining

B. She advised us to take a taxi because it was raining outside

C. She gave us a lift because it was raining heavily

D. She didn’t lend us any raincoats but a taxi

Câu 20:

My brother and I go to that school

A. I went to that school and my brother, too

B. I went to that school and so my brother did

C. I went to that school and so did my brother

D. I went to that school and so my brother did, too