Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng anh 11 Học kì 2 i-learn Smart World (2024 có đáp án)

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Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng Anh 11 Học kì 2 (i-learn Smart World 2024)


I/ Vocabulary
Lesson 1
canyon(n)/ˈkænjən/ hẻm núi
column(n)/ˈkɑːləm/ cột
endangered species(n)/ɪnˈdeɪndʒərd ˈspiːʃiːz/ loài có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng
heritage(n)/ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ di sản
impressive (adj) /ɪmˈpresɪv/ (gây) ấn tượng
impress (v) /ɪmˈpres/ gây/tạo ấn tượng
e.g. to impress sb by/with sth
impression(n)/ɪmˈpreʃən/ ấn tượng
-> to make/create/leave a positive/negative impression on sb (gây ấn tượng tốt/xấu đối với ai đó); to have/get a positive/negative impression of sb/sth (có ấn tượng tốt/xấu về ai/gì đó)
jungle(n)/ˈdʒʌŋɡl/ rừng rậm nhiệt đới
karst(n)/kɑːrst/ các-xtơ (vùng đá vôi bị xói mòn)
kayaking(n)/ˈkaɪækɪŋ/ hoạt động chèo thuyền kayak
landscape(n)/ˈlændskeɪp/ phong cảnh
limestone(n)/ˈlaɪmstoʊn/ đá vôi
photography(n)/fəˈtɑːɡrəfi/ nhiếp ảnh

  • photographer (n) /fəˈtɑːɡrəfə/ nhiếp ảnh gia
  • photographic (adj) /ˌfəʊtəˈɡræfɪk/ thuộc về nhiếp ảnh, e.g. photographic equipment
  • photograph (n) /ˈfəʊtəɡræf/

rare (adj) /rer/ hiếm
sunset (n) /ˈsʌnset/ hoàng hôn
= dusk (n) /dʌsk/ -> at sunset/dusk
¹ sunrise (n) /ˈsʌnraɪz/ = dawn (n) /dɔ:n/ -> at sunrise/dawn
unique (adj) /ju:ˈniːk/ độc nhất vô nhị
Lesson 2:
awareness (n) /əˈwernəs/ sự nhận thức, sự hiểu biết
aware (adj) /əˈwer/ -> be aware of sth
pass a law (v phr) /pæs eɪ lɑː/ ban hành luật
flood (n) /flʌd/ lũ lụt
historical (adj) /hɪˈstɔːrɪkl/ thuộc về/ liên quan đến lịch sử, e.g. historical studies/movies/novels
historic (adj) /hɪˈstɔːrɪk/ nổi tiếng hoặc quan trọng trong lịch sử, e.g. a historic place/monument/day/decision
knock down (v) /'nɑːk daʊn/ đập bỏ (công trình cũ)
preserve (v) /prɪˈzɜːrv/ bảo tồn
preservation (n) /ˌprezəˈveɪʃn/ -> preservation of sth
prevent (v) /prɪˈvent/ ngăn chặn
prevention (n) /prɪˈvenʃn/ -> prevetion of sth
responsible (adj) /rɪˈspɑːnsəbl/ đáng tin cậy, có trách nhiệm -> be responsible for sb/sth
responsibility (n) /rɪˌspɑːnsəˈbɪləti/ -> have/take responsibility for sb/sth
statue (n) /ˈstætʃuː/ bức tượng
unused (adj) /ʌnˈjuːzd/ không sử dụng, chưa qua sử dụng
Lesson 3:
emperor (n) /ˈempərər/ hoàng đế
originally (adv) /əˈrɪdʒənəli/ lúc đầu, ban đầu
origin (n) /ˈɔrɪdʒɪn/ nguồn gốc, e.g. The word “restaurant” is French in origin.
surround (v) /səˈraʊnd/ bao quanh
tomb (n) /tuːm/ ngôi mộ
II/ Grammar:
Câu nhấn mạnh/câu chẻ (cleft sentence)

• Chúng ta sử dụng câu nhấn mạnh/câu chẻ (cleft sentence) để nhấn mạnh phần ý nghĩa đặc biệt của câu bằng cách đặt những thông tin quan trọng lên trước, liền theo sau cụm từ It is/It was …
It’s the size of the Grand Canyon that is the most impressive.
Chúng ta cũng sử dụng câu chẻ này để đưa ý kiến ngược lại hoặc đối lập với điều người khác nói.
Sam: I thought hiking was fun.
Lucy: Yes, it was good, but it was camping that was really fun.

Cấu trúc Ví dụ
It + verb be + focus + who/that clause. It was Hồ Khanh who/that discovered Sơn Đoòng cave.
Statement (câu trần thuật/câu khẳng định) + but + it + verb be + focus + who/that clause. A: I enjoyed swimming.
B: Swimming was good, but it was kayaking that I really enjoyed.
Lưu ý: Nếu đối tượng cần nhấn mạnh là một người, chúng ta sử dụng who hoặc that.
Chúng ta có thể sử dụng should để đưa ra lời khuyên hoặc để thảo luận trong nhóm.
Cấu trúc
Ví dụ
Câu khẳng định S + should + V-bare infinitive (+O). I think we should fix this.
Câu phủ định S + should + not + V-bare infinitive (+O). You should not stay up too late.
Câu nghi vấn Yes-No Should + S + V-bare infinitive (+O)? Should we bring snacks on our trip?
Câu nghi vấn Wh- Wh- (What, Who, How …) + should + subject + V-bare infinitive (+O)? What should we do to clean up national parks?

How should they preserve natural places?


Listen to a talk about spiders. Listen and decide whether the following statements are T (True) or F (False).

Bài nghe:


Question 1. All kinds of spiders have the same body type, hair and legs.

Question 2. Spiders can stop invasive species from damaging local ecosystems.

Question 3. Different strategies are used by spiders to catch insects.

Question 4. Birds and other animals could rely on spiders for food.

Question 5. Most spiders can cause serious sickness to humans.

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

Question 6. A. knock B. responsible C. column D. tomb

Question 7. A. nation B. nature C. native D. natural

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that has a stress pattern different from the others.

Question 8. A. jungle B. landscape C. amazed D. limestone

Question 9. A. crocodile B. mosquito C. volcano D. adventure

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best option for each of the questions.

Question 10. Ecotourism is a useful tool to manage and ________ natural and cultural landscapes.

A. desert

B. use

C. release

D. conserve

Question 11. Lots of students don’t have time to cook, so they often ________.

A. miss deadlines

B. take many courses

C. eat out

D. run out of money

Question 12. Scientists have been studying different ecologies ________ the 20th century.

A. for

B. since

C. in

D. by

Question 13. The Imperial ________ of Thăng Long was first built in the 11th century during the Lý Dynasty.

A. Gate

B. Palace

C. Monument

D. Citadel

Question 14. When I was at university, I had a ________ as a tutor.

A. career

B. part-time job

C. recipe

D. diary

Question 15. Human activities ________ the ecosystem for hundreds of years.

A. affected

B. have affected

C. affect

D. are affecting

Question 16. Twenty-three endangered ________ were found in Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng National Park.

A. stones

B. landscapes

C. species

D. views

Question 17. Some people ________ down lots of trees along the river for the past two weeks.

A. cut

B. are cutting

C. have been cutting

D. have cut

Question 18. September is OK, but it’s in December ________ the weather in Vietnam is best.

A. when

B. that

C. which

D. what

Question 19. Natural resource managers ________ the needs and behaviors of wildlife.

A. accept

B. refuse

C. threaten

D. study

Question 20. Charles: Do you know that snakehead fish is a dangerous invasive species in the USA? - Valerie: ________.

A. It tastes delicious

B. Sorry, but I don’t quite follow you

C. I love fishing

D. Yes, I’d love to try fishing

Question 21. It’s a fact that older siblings have to ________ their younger brothers and sisters while their parents are working.

A. take care of

B. rely on

C. eat out

D. pay for

Write the correct form of the given word.

Question 22. The tower was ________ used as a palace. (ORIGIN)

Question 23. Wildlife disturbance caused by aircraft, ships and other vehicles is a(n) ________ serious problem. (INCREASE)

Question 24. You shouldn’t eat too much fast food like French fries or pizza as they are ________ food. (HEALTH)

Question 25. If you often hand in homework late, you should improve your time ________ skills. (MANAGE)

Read the passage and decide whether the statements are TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY (DS).

It’s a fact that higher education provides students with academic knowledge. However, before starting at a university or college, it’s essential that students must be well-prepared with some basic skills to look after themselves. Hence, it’s necessary for students to learn many different skills for their new life.

The top of the skill list is to learn how to take care of themselves by doing basic chores like cooking, washing clothes or repairing some furniture. Unlike the time they still live with their parents that they can rely on for the chores, they must handle everything by themselves. Once students can handle their chores, they can focus on their study.

Plus, living in a society requires students to be good at building relationships. They can make friends with people who share the same hobbies or emotions to entertain themselves and learn a lot from others. As a result, having a good mood and building effective teamwork skills can help improve students’ learning.

Moreover, budgeting skills are rather stressful to master. Most high school students spend the money given by their parents on leisure activities, such as joining a party, junk food or games instead of necessary things because the parents already pay for all the living costs like food, electricity, water or clothes. However, college or university students must know how to manage the yearly or monthly financial support and spend it effectively so that they don’t feel stressed when paying for all bills.

Lastly, time management is also a vital skill that enables students to cope with essays and assignments. Therefore, students need to have the right schedule for their studies and personal life.

Overall, the college or university environment plays a vital role in giving students a chance to live independently.

Question 26. It’s important for college or university students to learn some basic skills.

Question 27. College or university students don’t have to do the chores by themselves.

Question 28. When college or university students feel good and work well with each other, their study could be better.

Question 29. Most high school students are required to pay for food, electricity or water bills.

Question 30. Good budgeting skills help students deal with their studies.

Choose the options that best complete the passage.

Some Buddhists have a long-standing tradition of freeing animals from captivity. It is regarded by these people as a kind action which could influence what will happen to them in their future lives. However, according to some (31) ________, this practice also poses harm to local wildlife, and the government should be urged to ban it.

The improper release of animals can have negative impacts on the living environment in local areas. It can help quickly spread foreign species into the native environment. Many people have (32) ________ poisonous snakes and red-eared turtles, which can reproduce quickly, eat other species or even destroy the local ecosystems.

(33) ________, some species may die after being released. Wild birds, for example, fall into a cycle of being caught and released, and then being caught again, causing the birds to die slowly. Many species of turtles like mountain turtles are often released into pagoda ponds, but they cannot survive a week in the new environment, and some (34) ________ die within three days.

Experts suggest that the tradition of freeing animals should be ended because apart from destroying native species (35) ________, this release does not have much meaning in bringing life to the liberated species. There should be instructions on what animals can be released and how to release animals into the environment to make sure they can continue living.

Question 31.

A. environment

B. environmental

C. environmentally

D. environmentalists

Question 32.

A. release

B. releasing

C. released

D. to release

Question 33.

A. In addition

B. Therefore

C. Nevertheless

D. As a result

Question 34.

A. still

B. hardly

C. even

D. only

Question 35.

A. hunting

B. populations

C. invasion

D. trade

Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.

Question 36. by/ to/ own/ your/ meals./ cooking/ save/ It’s/ easy/ money

→ _________________________________________________________.

Question 37. protect/ to/ parks?/ do/ our/ we/ national/ What/ should

→ _________________________________________________________?

Question 38. regarded/ biodiversity/ as/ the/ Land/ of/ loss./ clearing/ cause/ can/ main/ be

→ _________________________________________________________.

Question 39. how/ He/ I/ sent/ the recipe./ didn’t/ know/ him/ to make/ cakes,/ so

→ _________________________________________________________.

Question 40. sleep/ to/ earlier/ in/ Why /go/ the/ doesn’t/ she/ evening?

→ _________________________________________________________?

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