Đề Thi Giữa Kì Tiếng Anh 10

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Đề số 1

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

1. A. tender B. garnish C. drain D. sprinkle

2. A. gender B. enroll C. preference D. secondary

3. A. grill B. garnish C. dip D. slice

II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.

4. A. recommend B. volunteer C. understand D. potential

5. A. suspicion B. telephone C. relation D. direction

III. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

6. The least equal country in the world for women, ranking 145th, was Yemen, where only 55% of women can read and only 6% ________ college.

A. attend B. enroll C. go D. tend

7. A common reason that someone _________ more for similar work is because of his or her experience or 'length of service”.

A. may be paid B. should not be paid C. can be paid D. must be paid

8. UNICEF says that ________ to education is one of the biggest challenges facing children in Yemen today, especially girls.

A. access B. get C. connect D. search

9. Until now, the high cost of schooling has discouraged or prevented poor parents from having their children, _______ girls, educated.

A. especially B. specially C. and D. with

10. Many people believe that the first person who visits their home on the first day of the New Year will ________ their life.

A. change B. afford C. effect D. affect

11. Cultural diversity makes the United States a ________ interesting place in which to live for all of its inhabitants.

A. much better B. more C. many more D. much more

12. In every culture, there are basic standards for social _________ such as personal space distance, eye contact, amount of body language displayed in public.

A. reaction B. interaction C. relationship D. relation

13. I saw those slaves ____ had been led to the city.

A. whose B. which C. whom D. who

14. While a child learns how to use educational _________, she also develops a(n) _________ to analyze, synthesize and evaluate information.

A. lessons – knowledge B. lessons - ability

C. software - ability D. software - knowledge

15. E-books are typically ____ through a student's personal device, such as a notebook, tablet or cellphone.

A. concentrated B. accessed C. made D. stored

IV. Give the correct form of each word in the brackets.

16. Her first term in office was not easy, but her government successfully reduced the _____________ rate and improved the economy. (EMPLOY)

17. Her ______________ was gradually built up, which led to her re-election in 1983 and a third term in office in 1987. (REPUTE)

18. The parents of the groom go to the fortune teller to see what date and time is best for them to ____________ the wedding ceremony. (CELEBRATION)

19. _____________, the reception occurs at their houses, but now many families hold wedding parties at the restaurant. (TRADITION)

20. Laptops and wireless technologies allow students to access _______________ relevant to class topics immediately. (INFORM)

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.


The wedding consists of several (21) _________ including asking permission to receive the bride, the procession to the groom's house, the ancestor ceremony, and the banquet party.

In the morning, the groom's mother and a few close relatives would walk to the bride's house with a present of betel to ask permission to receive the (22) ________ at her house. The date and time of the ceremony is usually determined by a Buddhist monk or fortune teller.

In the procession to receive the bride, the groom and his family often carry decorated lacquer boxes covered in red cloth to represent his (23) ____ and which include various boxes for the bride's family. There are either 6 or 8 boxes, but never 7 because it is bad luck.

After paying their respects to their ancestors, the bride and groom will serve tea to their parents who will then give them advice regarding (24) ________ and family. During the candle ceremony, the bride and groom's families union is celebrated and the mother-in-law of the bride will open the boxes filled with jewelry and dress her new daughter-in-law in the jewelry.

Finally, the groom officially asks for permission to take his new bride (25) ____ and they make their way back to his house. During the reception, there is usually a 10-course meal and the bride and groom make their rounds to each table to express their gratitude and also get money as presents.

21. A. asks B. ceremonies C. requests D. tells

22. A. bride B. regulations C. laws D. notes

23. A. condition B. culture C. relation D. wealth

24. A. existence B. dead C. marriage D. divorce

25. A. flat B. home C. house D. apartment

VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Today, more and more women are actively participating in social activities both in urban and rural areas. Specifically, they have shined brightly in even many fields commonly regarded as the man's areas such as business, scientific research and social management. In some areas, women even show more overwhelming power than men. The image of contemporary Vietnamese women with creativeness, dynamism, success has become popular in Vietnam's society. The fact reveals that the gender gap has been remarkably narrowed and women enjoy many more opportunities to pursue their social careers and obtain success, contributing to national socio-economic development. According to Ms, Le Thi Quy, Director of the Gender/and Development Research Centre under the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University, gender equity in Vietnam has reached a high level over the past decade. The rate of Vietnamese women becoming National Assembly members from the 9th term to the 11th term increased 8.7%, bringing the proportion of Vietnamese women in authority to 27.3%, the highest rate in Southeast Asia. There is no big gap in the level of literacy and schooling between men and women. Women account for about 37% of university and college graduates, 19.9% of doctoral degree holders and 6.7% of professors and associate professors.

The legitimate rights of women and children are ensured more than ever before with more complete legal documents including laws, conventions and national action plans, among which the laws on 'gender equity' mark a turning-point in the empowerment of women.

Mass media also highlights the continued success of women in every field and honors their great importance in modern society, helping to do away with outdated perceptions about traditional women's duties. Many projects on reproductive health care, children protection, and family income improvement jointly conducted by various mass organizations, state agencies and non-governmental organizations have created favorable conditions for women to become involved.

26. The text is about _____________________________.

A. the changes in the status of Vietnamese women

B. the Vietnamese women's liberation

C. the Vietnamese sex discrimination

D. the discrimination that Vietnamese women have to face

27. Which adjective is not used to describe Vietnamese women?

A. successful B. creative C. narrow D. dynamic

28. According to the data in the text, _________________________.

A. Vietnamese women do not take part in authority

B. the level of literacy and schooling between men and women in Vietnam is the same

C. there are more women in authority in Vietnam than those in any other countries in Southeast Asia

D. there are no female professors in Vietnam

29. Vietnamese women ____________________________.

A. have fewopportunities to develop their intellectual ability

B. have only shined brightly in doing housework

C. cannot do any scientific research

D. are ensured their rights with laws, conventions and national action plans

30. Which is not mentioned in the text as a project to create condition for Vietnamese women?

A. Traditional women's duties B. Reproductive health care

C. Children protection D. Family income improvement

VII. Complete the second sentence with the same meaning to the first one.

31. Each student must write an essay on gender equality. (be)

=> An essay __________________________________.

32. Russia is bigger than any other country in the world. (biggest)

=> __________________________________________.

33. The American are less formal in addressing their bosses than the South Korean. (more)

=> The South Korean ___________________________.

34. The girl looked very upset. Her electronic dictionary broke down. (whose)

=> __________________________________________.

35. His grandmother had a great influence on his life. She was a hard – working woman. (who)

=> __________________________________________.

VIII. Listen and fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.


36. You often _________ new words when you read something in a foreign language.

37. If you are someone who frequently uses the dictionary, you should remember that every dictionary has its _________.

38. You should also be aware of the ________ dictionaries that translate meanings from English into your native language and vice versa.

39. So, it is usually much safer to check in an __________ dictionary.

40. Even if you are allowed to use one, looking up new words is quite __________ while exams are always timed.

---------------------THE END---------------------

Lời giải chi tiết

1. D

Kiến thức: Phát âm “n”

Giải thích:

A. tender /ˈten.dər/

B. garnish /ˈɡɑː.nɪʃ/

C. drain /dreɪn/

D. sprinkle /ˈsprɪŋ.k/

Phần được gạch chân ở phương án D được phát âm /ŋ/, các phương án còn lại phát âm /n/

Chọn D

2. B

Kiến thức: Phát âm “e”

Giải thích:

A. gender /ˈdʒen.dər/

B. enroll /ɪnˈroʊl/

C. preference /ˈpref.ər.əns/

D. secondary /ˈsek.ən.dri/

Phần được gạch chân ở phương án B được phát âm /i/, các phương án còn lại phát âm /e/

Chọn B

3. D

Kiến thức: Phát âm “i”

Giải thích:

A. grill /ɡrɪl/

B. garnish /ˈɡɑː.nɪʃ/

C. dip /dɪp/

D. slice /slaɪs/

Phần được gạch chân ở phương án D được phát âm /ai/, các phương án còn lại phát âm /i/

Chọn D

4. D

Kiến thức: Trọng âm

Giải thích:

A. recommend /ˌrek.əˈmend/

B. volunteer /ˌvɒl.ənˈtɪər/

C. understand /ˌʌn.dəˈstænd/

D. potential /pəˈten.ʃəl/

Phương án D có trọng âm 2, các phương án còn lại có trọng âm 3.

Chọn D

5. B

Kiến thức: Trọng âm

Giải thích:

A. suspicion /səˈspɪʃ.ən/

B. telephone /ˈtel.ɪ.fəʊn/

C. relation /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən/

D. direction /daɪˈrek.ʃən/

Phương án B có trọng âm 1, các phương án còn lại có trọng âm 2.

Chọn B

6. A

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. attend (v): tham dự

B. enroll (v): đăng kí

C. go (v): đi

D. tend (v): dự định

The least equal country in the world for women, ranking 145th, was Yemen, where only 55% of women can read and only 6% attend college.

(Quốc gia kém bình đẳng nhất trên thế giới đối với phụ nữ, xếp thứ 145, là Yemen, nơi chỉ có 55% phụ nữ biết đọc và chỉ có 6% học đại học.)

Chọn A

7. D

Kiến thức: Thể bị động với động từ khiếm khuyết

Giải thích:

Công thức chung của thể bị động với động từ khiếm khuyết: S + động từ khiếm khuyết + be + V3/ed.

A. may be paid: có lẽ được trả

B. should not be paid: không nên được trả

C. can be paid: có thể được trả

D. must be paid: phải được trả

A common reason that someone must be paid more for similar work is because of his or her experience or 'length of service”.

(Một lý do phổ biến khiến ai đó phải được trả nhiều tiền hơn cho công việc tương tự là do kinh nghiệm hoặc 'thời gian phục vụ.)

Chọn D

8. A

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. access (v): tiếp cận

B. get (v): nhận

C. connect (v): kết nối

D. search (v): tìm kiếm

UNICEF says that access to education is one of the biggest challenges facing children in Yemen today, especially girls.

(UNICEF nói rằng việc tiếp cận giáo dục là một trong những thách thức lớn nhất đối với trẻ em ở Yemen ngày nay, đặc biệt là các bé gái.)

Chọn A

9. A

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. especially: đặc biệt (dùng để chỉ một việc gì đó được thực hiện vì một mục đích đặc biệt nào đó.)

B. specially: đặc biệt (dùng để chỉ một điều gì đó có sự đặc biệt nhiều hơn thứ khác.)

C. and: và

D. with: với

Until now, the high cost of schooling has discouraged or prevented poor parents from having their children, especially girls, educated.

(Cho đến ngày nay, chi phí cao của việc dạy học đã làm nản chí và ngăn những phụ huynh nghèo cho con của mình được giáo dục, đặc biệt là các bé gái.)

Chọn A

10. D

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. change (v): thay đổi

B. afford (v): có khả năng chi trả

C. effect (n): ảnh hưởng

D. affect (v): ảnh hưởng

Sau động từ khiếm khuyết “will” (sẽ) cần một động từ ở dạng nguyên thể.

Many people believe that the first person who visits their home on the first day of the New Year will affect their life.

(Nhiều người quan niệm rằng người đầu tiên đến thăm nhà mình vào ngày mùng 1 Tết sẽ ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của họ.)

Chọn D

11. D

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

- Interesting là tính từ dài => cấu trúc so sánh hơn với tính từ dài: “more tính từ dài” => Loại A

- Khi nhấn mạnh tính từ so sánh hơn ta dùng: “much more + tính từ ngắn/ dài”

Cultural diversity makes the United States a much more interesting place in which to live for all of its inhabitants.

(Đa dạng văn hóa làm cho nước Mĩ trở thành một nơi thú hơn vị để sống cho tất cả cư dân.)

Chọn D

12. B

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. reaction (n): phản ứng

B. interaction (n): tương tác

C. relationship (n): mối quan hệ

D. relation (n): sự liên quan

In every culture, there are basic standards for social interaction such as personal space distance, eye contact, amount of body language displayed in public.

(Trong mọi nền văn hóa, có những tiêu chuẩn cơ bản cho tương tác xã hội như khoảng cách không gian cá nhân, giao tiếp bằng mắt, lượng ngôn ngữ cơ thể thể hiện ở nơi công cộng.)

Chọn B

13. D

Kiến thức: Đại từ quan hệ

Giải thích:

A. whose: của người mà (thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu)

B. which: cái mà (thay thế cho sự vật)

C. whom: người mà (thay thế cho tân ngữ)

D. who: người mà (thay thế cho chủ ngữ)

Đại từ quan hệ cần điền thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người “those slaves” (những người nô lệ) đóng vai trò làm chủ ngữ trong câu phía sau => dùng “who”

I saw those slaves who had been led to the city.

(Tôi thấy những nô lệ những người mà đã được dẫn đến thành phố.)

Chọn D

14. C

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. lessons – knowledge: bài học – kiến thức

B. lessons – ability: bài học – khả năng

C. software – ability: phần mềm - khả năng

D. software – knowledge: phần mềm - kiến thức

While a child learns how to use educational software, she also develops an ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate information.

(Trong khi một đứa trẻ học cách sử dụng phần mềm giáo dục, nó cũng phát triển (n) khả năng phân tích, tổng hợp và đánh giá thông tin.)

Chọn C

15. B

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. concentrated (v): tập trung

B. accessed (v): truy cập

C. made (v): thực hiện

D. stored (v): lưu trữ

E-books are typically accessed through a student's personal device, such as a notebook, tablet or cellphone.

(Sách điện tử thường được truy cập thông qua thiết bị cá nhân của học sinh, chẳng hạn như máy tính cầm tay, máy tính bảng hoặc điện thoại di động.)

Chọn B

16. unemployment

Kiến thức: Từ vựng – Từ loại

Giải thích:

Sau mạo từ “the” cần một cụm danh từ.

employ (v): thuê/ tuyển dụng

=> employment (n): công việc

=> unemployment (n): nạn thất nghiệp

Cụm danh từ: “unemployment rate”: tỉ lệ thất nghiệp

Her first term in office was not easy, but her government successfully reduced the unemployment rate and improved the economy.

(Nhiệm kỳ đầu tiên của bà không hề dễ dàng, nhưng chính phủ của bà đã thành công trong việc giảm tỷ lệ thất nghiệp và cải thiện nền kinh tế.)

Đáp án: unemployment

17. reputation

Kiến thức: Từ vựng – Từ loại

Giải thích:

Sau tính tử sở hữu “her” (của cô ấy) cần một danh từ.

repute (v): có danh tiếng

=> reputation (n): danh tiếng

Her reputation was gradually built up, which led to her re-election in 1983 and a third term in office in 1987.

(Danh tiếng của bà dần được tạo dựng, dẫn đến việc bà tái đắc cử vào năm 1983 và nhiệm kỳ thứ ba vào năm 1987.)

Đáp án: reputation

18. celebrate

Kiến thức: Từ vựng – Từ loại

Giải thích:

Sau “to” (để) cần một động từ ở dạng nguyên thể.

celebration (n): sự tổ chức

=> celebrate (v): tổ chức

The parents of the groom go to the fortune teller to see what date and time is best for them to celebrate the wedding ceremony.

(Cha mẹ chú rể đi gặp thầy bói để xem ngày giờ nào tốt nhất để cử hành hôn lễ.)

Đáp án: celebrate

19. traditionally

Kiến thức: Từ vựng – Từ loại

Giải thích:

Vị trí đầu câu và trước dấu phẩy cần một trạng từ.

tradition (n): truyền thống

=> traditionally (adv): theo truyền thống

Traditionally, the reception occurs at their houses, but now many families hold wedding parties at the restaurant.

(Theo truyền thống, tiệc chiêu đãi diễn ra tại nhà họ, nhưng hiện nay nhiều gia đình tổ chức tiệc cưới tại nhà hàng.)

Đáp án: traditionally

20. information

Kiến thức: Từ vựng – Từ loại

Giải thích:

Trước tính từ “relevant” (liên quan) cần một danh từ.

inform (v): thông báo

=> information (n): thông tin

Laptops and wireless technologies allow students to access information relevant to class topics immediately.

(Máy tính xách tay và công nghệ không dây cho phép sinh viên truy cập thông tin liên quan đến các chủ đề trong lớp ngay lập tức.)

Đáp án: information

21. B

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. asks (n): đòi hỏi

B. ceremonies (n): lễ nghi

C. requests (n): yêu cầu

D. tells (v): nói

The wedding consists of several ceremonies including asking permission to receive the bride, the procession to the groom's house, the ancestor ceremony, and the banquet party.

(Đám cưới gồm nhiều nghi lễ như xin phép rước dâu, rước dâu về nhà trai, lễ gia tiên và đãi tiệc.)

Chọn B

22. A

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. bride (n): cô dâu

B. regulations (n): quy định

C. laws (n): luật

D. notes (n): ghi chú

In the morning, the groom's mother and a few close relatives would walk to the bride's house with a present of betel to ask permission to receive the bride at her house.

(Buổi sáng, mẹ chú rể cùng một số họ hàng thân thiết sẽ đến nhà gái với mâm trầu để xin phép rước dâu tại nhà gái.)

Chọn A

23. D

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. condition (n): điều kiện

B. culture (n): văn hóa

C. relation (n): sự liên quan

D. wealth (n): sự giàu có

In the procession to receive the bride, the groom and his family often carry decorated lacquer boxes covered in red cloth to represent his wealth.

(Trong lễ rước dâu, chú rể và gia đình thường mang theo hộp sơn mài trang trí phủ vải đỏ thể hiện sự giàu có của mình.)

Chọn D

24. C

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. existence (n): sự tồn tại

B. dead (a): chết

C. marriage (n): hôn nhân

D. divorce (n): ly hôn

After paying their respects to their ancestors, the bride and groom will serve tea to their parents who will then give them advice regarding marriage and family.

(Sau khi bày tỏ lòng kính trọng với tổ tiên, cô dâu và chú rể sẽ phục vụ trà cho cha mẹ của họ, sau đó họ sẽ cho họ lời khuyên về hôn nhân và gia đình.)

Chọn C

25. C

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

A. flat (n): căn hộ

B. home (n): tổ ấm

C. house (n): ngôi nhà

D. apartment (n): căn hộ

Cụm động từ “take sb home”: dẫn ai đó về nhà.

Finally, the groom officially asks for permission to take his new bride home.

(Cuối cùng, chú rể chính thức xin phép rước cô dâu mới về nhà.)

Chọn C

Bài đọc hoàn chỉnh:

The wedding consists of several (21) ceremonies including asking permission to receive the bride, the procession to the groom's house, the ancestor ceremony, and the banquet party.

In the morning, the groom's mother and a few close relatives would walk to the bride's house with a present of betel to ask permission to receive the (22) bride at her house. The date and time of the ceremony is usually determined by a Buddhist monk or fortune teller.

In the procession to receive the bride, the groom and his family often carry decorated lacquer boxes covered in red cloth to represent his (23) wealth and which include various boxes for the bride's family. There are either 6 or 8 boxes, but never 7 because it is bad luck.

After paying their respects to their ancestors, the bride and groom will serve tea to their parents who will then give them advice regarding (24) mariage and family. During the candle ceremony, the bride and groom's families union is celebrated and the mother-in-law of the bride will open the boxes filled with jewelry and dress her new daughter-in-law in the jewelry.

Finally, the groom officially asks for permission to take his new bride (25) home and they make their way back to his house. During the reception, there is usually a 10-course meal and the bride and groom make their rounds to each table to express their gratitude and also get money as presents.

Tạm dịch:

Đám cưới bao gồm một số (21) nghi lễ bao gồm xin phép đón dâu, rước dâu về nhà trai, lễ tổ tiên và tiệc chiêu đãi.

Vào buổi sáng, mẹ chú rể và một số họ hàng thân thiết sẽ đi bộ đến nhà cô dâu với lễ vật trầu cau để xin phép rước (22) dâu tại nhà cô ấy. Ngày và giờ của buổi lễ thường được xác định bởi một nhà sư Phật giáo hoặc thầy bói.

Trong đám rước dâu, chú rể và gia đình thường mang theo những hộp sơn mài được trang trí bằng vải đỏ để thể hiện (23) sự giàu có của mình và trong đó có nhiều hộp khác nhau cho gia đình cô dâu. Có 6 hoặc 8 ô, nhưng không bao giờ có 7 ô vì đó là điều xui xẻo.

Sau khi tỏ lòng thành kính với tổ tiên, cô dâu và chú rể sẽ phục vụ trà cho cha mẹ của họ, những người sau đó sẽ cho họ lời khuyên về (24) hôn nhân và gia đình. Trong lễ thắp nến, gia đình cô dâu và chú rể được cử hành và mẹ chồng của cô dâu sẽ mở những chiếc hộp chứa đầy đồ trang sức và đeo đồ trang sức cho con dâu mới của mình.

Cuối cùng, chú rể chính thức xin phép đưa cô dâu mới (25) về nhà và họ lên đường trở về nhà anh. Trong tiệc chiêu đãi, thường có một bữa ăn mười món và cô dâu và chú rể đi vòng quanh từng bàn để bày tỏ lòng biết ơn và cũng nhận tiền làm quà.

26. A

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Văn bản nói về _____________________________.

A. những thay đổi về thân phận người phụ nữ Việt Nam.

B. sự nghiệp giải phóng phụ nữ Việt Nam.

C. sự phân biệt giới tính của người Việt Nam.

D. sự phân biệt đối xử mà phụ nữ Việt Nam phải đối mặt.

Thông tin: “Today, more and more women are actively participating in social activities both in urban and rural areas.”

(Ngày nay, ngày càng có nhiều phụ nữ tích cực tham gia các hoạt động xã hội ở cả thành thị và nông thôn.)

Chọn A

27. C

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Tính từ nào không dùng để miêu tả phụ nữ Việt Nam?

A. thành công

B. sáng tạo

C. nông cạn

D. năng động

Thông tin: “The image of contemporary Vietnamese women with creativeness, dynamism, success has become popular in Vietnam's society.”

(Hình ảnh người phụ nữ Việt Nam đương đại với sự sáng tạo, năng động, thành đạt đã trở nên phổ biến trong xã hội Việt Nam.)

Chọn C

28. C

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Theo dữ liệu trong văn bản, _________________________.

A. Phụ nữ Việt Nam không tham gia chính quyền.

B. trình độ biết chữ và đi học giữa nam và nữ ở Việt Nam là như nhau.

C. có nhiều phụ nữ nắm quyền ở Việt Nam hơn bất kỳ quốc gia nào khác ở Đông Nam Á.

D. không có giáo sư nữ ở Việt Nam.

Thông tin: “The rate of Vietnamese women becoming National Assembly members from the 9th term to the 11th term increased 8.7%, bringing the proportion of Vietnamese women in authority to 27.3%, the highest rate in Southeast Asia.”

(Tỷ lệ phụ nữ Việt Nam trở thành đại biểu Quốc hội từ khóa IX đến khóa XI tăng 8,7%, đưa tỷ lệ phụ nữ Việt Nam nắm chính quyền lên 27,3%, cao nhất Đông Nam Á.)

Chọn C

29. D

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Phụ nữ Việt Nam ____________________________.

A. có ít cơ hội phát huy trí tuệ

B. chỉ tỏa sáng rực rỡ khi làm việc nhà

C. không thể làm bất kỳ nghiên cứu khoa học

D. được đảm bảo quyền lợi bằng luật, công ước và kế hoạch hành động quốc gia

Thông tin: “The legitimate rights of women and children are ensured more than ever before with more complete legal documents including laws, conventions and national action plans.

(Quyền lợi chính đáng của phụ nữ và trẻ em được đảm bảo hơn bao giờ hết với các văn bản quy phạm pháp luật ngày càng đầy đủ hơn bao gồm luật, công ước, kế hoạch hành động quốc gia,)

Chọn D

30. A

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Điều nào không được đề cập trong văn bản như là một dự án để tạo điều kiện cho phụ nữ Việt Nam?

A. Bổn phận truyền thống của phụ nữ

B. Chăm sóc sức khoẻ sinh sản

C. Bảo vệ trẻ em

D. Cải thiện thu nhập gia đình

Thông tin: “Many projects on reproductive health care, children protection, and family income improvement jointly conducted by various mass organizations, state agencies and non-governmental organizations have created favorable conditions for women to become involved.”

(Nhiều dự án chăm sóc sức khỏe sinh sản, bảo vệ trẻ em, nâng cao thu nhập gia đình do các đoàn thể, cơ quan nhà nước và các tổ chức phi chính phủ phối hợp thực hiện đã tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho phụ nữ tham gia.)

Chọn A


Kiến thức: Viết câu thể bị động

Giải thích:

Công thức viết câu thể bị động với động từ khiếm khuyết “must” (phải): S + must + be + V3/ed + by somebody.

write – wrote – written (v): viết

Each student must write an essay on gender equality.

(Mỗi học sinh phải viết một bài luận về bình đẳng giới.)

Đáp án: An essay on gender equality must be written by each student.

(Một bài luận về bình đẳng giới phải được viết bởi mỗi học sinh.)


Kiến thức: Viết câu với so sánh nhất

Giải thích:

Công thức với so sánh nhất với động từ tobe tính từ ngắn “big” (lớn) ở dạng khẳng định chủ ngữ số ít: S + is + the + tính từ ngắn + est.

Russia is bigger than any other country in the world.

(Nga lớn hơn bất kỳ quốc gia nào trên thế giới.)

Đáp án: Russia is the biggest country in the world.

(Nga là quốc gia lớn nhất trên thế giới.)


Kiến thức: Viết câu với so sánh hơn

Giải thích:

Công thức so sánh hơn với động từ tobe tính từ dài “formal” (trang trọng) ở dạng khẳng định chủ ngữ số nhiều: S1 + are + more + tính từ dài + than + S2.

The American are less formal in addressing their bosses than the South Korean.

(Người Mỹ ít trang trọng hơn trong cách xưng hô với sếp của họ so với người Hàn Quốc.)

Đáp án: The South Korean are more formal in addressing their bosses than The American.

(Người Hàn Quốc xưng hô với sếp trang trọng hơn người Mỹ.)


Kiến thức: Viết câu với đại từ quan hệ “whose”

Giải thích:

- whose: là đại từ quan hệ chỉ sở hữu. Whose đứng sau danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật và thay cho tính từ sở hữu trước danh từ. Whose luôn đi kèm với một danh từ.

- “Her” là tính từ sở hữu đứng trước danh từ ở câu thứ hai thay thế cho “the girl” (cô gái) ở câu đầu => dùng “whose”

The girl looked very upset. Her electronic dictionary broke down.

(Cô gái trông rất buồn. Từ điển điện tử của cô ấy bị hỏng.)

Đáp án: The girl whose electronic dictionary broke down looked very upset.

(Cô gái mà cuốn từ điển điện tử của cô ấy bị hư thì trông rất buồn.)


Kiến thức: Viết câu với đại từ quan hệ “who”

Giải thích:

- who: là đại từ quan hệ chỉ người, đứng sau danh từ chỉ người để làm chủ ngữ (subject) hoặc tân ngữ (object) cho động từ đứng sau nó.

- “She” (cô ấy) đóng vai trò là chủ ngữ ở câu thứ hai thay thế cho “his grandmother” (bà của anh ấy) ở câu đầu => dùng “who”

- Trước mệnh đề quan hệ đang là có tính từ sở hữu “his grandmother” nên trong câu mệnh đề quan hệ cần có dấu phẩy.

His grandmother had a great influence on his life. She was a hard – working woman.

(Bà của ông đã có một ảnh hưởng lớn đến cuộc sống của mình. Bà ấy là một phụ nữ làm việc chăm chỉ.)

Đáp án: His grandmother who was a hard – working woman had a great influence on his life.

(Bà của anh ấy là một người phụ nữ làm việc chăm chỉ đã có ảnh hưởng lớn đến cuộc sống của anh ấy.)

36. come across

Kiến thức: Nghe hiểu – Điền từ

Giải thích:

Sau chủ ngữ “you” (bạn) cần một động từ ở dạng nguyên mẫu ở thì hiện tại đơn do có dấu hiệu “often” (thường).

Cụm động từ: “come across”: bắt gặp

You often come across new words when you read something in a foreign language.

(Bạn thường bắt gặp những từ mới khi đọc một thứ gì đó bằng tiếng nước ngoài.)

Đáp án: come across

37. limitations

Kiến thức: Nghe hiểu – Điền từ

Giải thích:

Sau tính từ sở hữu “its” (của nó) cần một danh từ.

limitations (n): những giới hạn

If you are someone who frequently uses the dictionary, you should remember that every dictionary has its limitations.

(Nếu bạn là người thường xuyên sử dụng từ điển thì nên nhớ rằng từ điển nào cũng có những giới hạn của nó.)

Đáp án: limitations

38. risk of using

Kiến thức: Nghe hiểu – Điền từ

Giải thích:

Sau mạo từ “the” cần một danh từ.

Cụm từ: “risk of + Ving”: rủi ro của việc gì đó

You should also be aware of the risk of using dictionaries that translate meanings from English into your native language and vice versa.

(Bạn cũng nên nhận thức được rủi ro khi sử dụng từ điển dịch nghĩa từ tiếng Anh sang ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ của bạn và ngược lại.)

Đáp án: risk of using

39. English - English

Kiến thức: Nghe hiểu – Điền từ

Giải thích:

- Trước danh từ “dictionary” (từ điển) cần một tính từ chỉ ngôn ngữ của từ điển.

English – English dictionary: từ điển Anh – Anh.

So, it is usually much safer to check in an English-English dictionary.

(Vì vậy, thường an toàn hơn nhiều khi tra từ điển Anh-Anh.)

Đáp án: English - English

40. time-consuming

Kiến thức: Nghe hiểu – Điền từ

Giải thích:

Sau động từ tobe “is” cần một tính từ.

time – consuming (a): tốn thời gian

Even if you are allowed to use one, looking up new words is quite time-consuming while exams are always timed.

(Ngay cả khi bạn được phép sử dụng một cuốn từ điển, việc tra cứu từ mới khá tốn thời gian trong khi các kỳ thi luôn có thời gian.)

Đáp án: time-consuming

Bài nghe:

You often come across new words when you read something in a foreign language. You may guess or check the meanings of these words in a dictionary. The level of accuracy that you require and your available time decide your strategy. If you are someone who frequently uses the dictionary, you should remember that every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition has a limited meaning and you can fully understand a word only after you meet it in a variety of contexts. You should also be aware of the risk of using dictionaries that translate meanings from English into your native language and vice versa. So, it is usually much safer to check in an English-English dictionary. Moreover, you are not allowed to use a dictionary in most exams. Even if you are allowed to use one, looking up new words is quite time-consuming while exams are always timed. Therefore, it is better to the meanings of unfamiliar words.

Tạm dịch:

Bạn thường bắt gặp những từ mới khi đọc một thứ gì đó bằng tiếng nước ngoài. Bạn có thể đoán hoặc kiểm tra nghĩa của những từ này trong từ điển. Mức độ chính xác mà bạn yêu cầu và thời gian sẵn có của bạn sẽ quyết định chiến lược của bạn. Nếu bạn là người thường xuyên sử dụng từ điển thì nên nhớ rằng từ điển nào cũng có giới hạn của nó. Mỗi định nghĩa có một ý nghĩa hạn chế và bạn chỉ có thể hiểu đầy đủ một từ sau khi bạn gặp nó trong nhiều ngữ cảnh khác nhau. Bạn cũng nên nhận thức được rủi ro khi sử dụng từ điển dịch nghĩa từ tiếng Anh sang ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ của bạn và ngược lại. Vì vậy, thường an toàn hơn nhiều khi tra từ điển Anh-Anh. Hơn nữa, bạn không được phép sử dụng từ điển trong hầu hết các kỳ thi. Ngay cả khi bạn được phép sử dụng một cuốn, việc tra cứu từ mới khá tốn thời gian trong khi các kỳ thi luôn có thời gian. Do đó, tốt hơn là hiểu rõ nghĩa của những từ không quen thuộc.


Đề số 2




TASK 1. There are five questions in this part. For each question, decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Tick (V) the correct boxes. You will listen to the recording twice.


1. The next speaker has been the symbol of the city for over the past forty years.


2. She has worked for the city council for more than two terms.


3. She was introduced to be the Governor of a state in the US.


4. She did her PhD course in the State University.


5. She used to study at the Harvard University.


TASK 2.There are three questions in this part. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B, or C. You will listen to the recording twice.


1. What did the woman do as a social worker?


A. She connected people.


B. She helped the poor.


C. Both A and B are correct.


2. How did the woman describe the help that the young people gave to the poor?


A. Unbelievable.


B. Wonderful.


C. Different.


3. How were the poor treated in the past?


A. People didn’t want to talk to them.


B. People didn’t bother them.


C. People just wanted to talk about them.




TASK 1. Read the text and circle the best answer A, B, C, or D for each of the following questions.


Doing some forms of voluntary work has never been more popular with British people. Over 20 million people were engaged in voluntary activities in 2013. Volunteering means giving up time to do work of benefit to the community. It can take many forms, from working with children with learning difficulties, or in an animal hospital, or planting trees. When London won its bid to host the 2012 Olympics, up to 70,000 volunteers were needed to help ensure that the games were a success.


Volunteers can be anyone of any age. Students and full-time workers often manage to involve in some voluntary work. But what motivates volunteers? Some do it for a sense of selflessness while others find they have free time available. Many mention the opportunity to get to know people they would not normally meet.


A relatively new phenomenon is the hope of meeting new friends or even a life partner through volunteering. In a recent British survey, 20% of 18-24 year-olds and 8% of over-65s said their love lives had improved since they began volunteering. The same poll found that nearly half of volunteers enjoyed improved health and fitness, a quarter lost weight - especially those working with children or doing conservation projects - and two-thirds felt less stressed. So, it seems volunteering may improve your life, and you may even find the person of your dreams.


1. What does the text say about doing voluntary work in the UK?


A. It has never been popular with the British.


B. The number of volunteers reached its highest level in 2012.


C. Volunteers gain no benefit from the work.


D. Volunteers were needed for the success of the 2012 Olympics.


2. What does the word “It” in paragraph 1 refer to?


A. The community.


B. Volunteering.


C. Voluntary activity.


D. Voluntary work.


3. Which is NOT a reason for people to do voluntary work?


A. They care for others.


B. They have spare time.


C. They usually meet people.


D. They want new friends.


4. What does the third paragraph mainly discuss?


A. The survey on the volunteers’ life in Britain.


B. The hope of volunteers when doing voluntary work.


C. The better situation of doing voluntary work in Britain.


D. The benefits of volunteering to voluntary workers.


TASK 2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrases that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 51 to 55.


The Meadow Park Zoo, which (1) _______ three months ago, is already attracting large numbers of visitors. The new zoo is quite small, compared with other similar (2) _______. You won’t find any large and dangerous animals such as lions or tigers in cages. Instead, there is a children’s zoo, (3) _______ children can handle little animals like rabbits and mice. They can also have rides on a camel or an (4) _______ The zoo had a working farm, too, with cows, sheep, ducks and chickens. Lots of children from cities don’t understand what happens (5) _______ a farm. It’s important for them to see for themselves where their milk and eggs come from.


1: A. opened   B. opens  C. opening   D. open


2: A. attractions  B. parties  C. schools  D. events


3: A. who   B. where   C. when   D. whom


4: A. elephant   B. monkey    C. hippo   D. bear


5: A. in   B. on    C. up    D. for




TASK 1. Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one, using NO MORE THAN FIVE words. Write the missing words in the given spaces.


1. We use the correction pen to cover writing mistakes.


The correction pen ________________________________ writing mistakes.


2. The Internet has changed people’s lives in different ways.


People's lives ________________________________ in different ways by the Internet.


3. I have never eaten Indian food before.


It's the first time I ________________________________________.


4. I haven't seen him for five years.


The last time I saw him ___________________________________.


TASK 2. Write a paragraph (100-120 words) about the advantages of using smartphones for young people. Use the following prompts or your own ideas.


- For communication: multiple ways of communicating: send & receive messages and emails, make phone calls and video calls, connect to social networking sites (Facebook)


- For entertainment: read news, listen to music, play games


- For other high-tech functions: surf the Web, take photos, use mobile applications to support learning




TASK 1. Match the word with its definition. Write your answers (A, B, C, D or E) in the provided spaces. There is an extra definition you DO NOT USE.






1. charity


2. invention


3. benefit


4. contest


A. an advantage for profit gained from something


B. an event in which people compete for first prize in a sport or an activity


C. the act of giving money, food, or other kinds of help to people who are poor, sick, etc


D. a disadvantage or problem that makes something less acceptable


E. a unique or novel device, method, composition or process


TASK 2. Identify the part that needs correction in each of the following questions.


1. Ihaven’t seen Hoa again since we have graduated from high school.


2. I was lieing in the bath when the phone rang.


3. You looked so sick yesterday. Have you not visited the doctor yet?


4. We didn’t have new windows be installed on our house because it was too expensive.


TASK 3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.


1.This essay should ___________ (do) carefully to help students prepare well for the final exam.


2.Some female workers might ___________ (pay) wages this Saturday.


3.This is the most competitive contest Tony ___________ (ever join).


4.UNICEF has helped millions of children over the world since it __________ (establish).


5.Elena and Kai should spend more time __________ (improve) their parts of presentation.


Lời giải chi tiết






1. T


2. F


3. F


4. T


5. F


Our next speaker really needs no introduction. She has been involved in local politics for longer than I've been alive, and over the past four decades has become an icon of our city and community. She started by serving eight years on the city council, and then eight years as mayor. After that, she was elected for two terms as our state governor, then two more terms as state representative. As if that weren't enough, she has been president of her children's Parent-Teacher Association three separate times, and now is the volunteer president of our local chapter of Citizens for a Greener America. She has a PhD in public policy from State University, where she serves on the advisory board, and last month received an honorary degree from Harvard. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in giving a warm welcome/ to a very special guest: Ms. Lindsey Larson!




6. C


7. B


8. C


Time: People know you as a sort of social worker. Do they understand the spiritual basis of your work?


Mother Teresa: I don't know. But I give them a chance to come and touch the poor. Everybody has to experience that. So many young people give up everything to do just that. This is something so completely unbelievable in the world, no? And yet it is wonderful. Our volunteers go back different people.


Time: Does the fact that you are a woman make your message more understandable? Mother Teresa: I never think like that.


Time: But don't you think the world responds better to a mother?


Mother Teresa: People are responding not because of me, but because of what we're doing. Before, people were speaking much about the poor, but now more and more people are speaking to the poor. That's the great difference. The work has created this. The presence of the poor is known now, especially the poorest of the poor, the unwanted, the loved, the uncared-for. Before, nobody bothered about the people in the street. We have picked up from the streets of Calcutta 54,000 people, and 23,000 something have died in that one room at Kalighat.


Time: Why have you been so successful......






1. D


2. B


3. C


4. D




1. A


2. A


3. B


4. A


5. B






1. is used for covering/is used to cover


2. have been changed


3. have ever eaten Indian food


4. was five years ago




Suggested answer:


Many young people nowadays consider the smartphone an indispensable electronic device because of its benefits. First, it provides multiple ways of communicating. With a smartphone, people can text, call and get access to emails or video chats. This device also enables users to stay connected through social networking sites such as Facebook at anytime and in anywhere. Second, people can enjoy different types of entertainment from reading news, listening to music to playing games on their phones. Finally, other high-tech functions welcomed by the youth are also incorporated in a smartphone. Users can surf the Web, take photos and download mobile applications to support their study. In short, the smartphone is an useful device that can help young people a lot in their daily life.






1. C


2. E


3. A


4. B




1. have graduated


2. lieing


3. not visited


4. be installed




1. be done


2. be paid


3. has ever joined


4. was established


5. improving




Đề số 3




Questions 1-5: There are five questions in this part. For each question, decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Tick (V) the correct boxes. You will listen to the recording twice.







1. Family values are the foundation for children’s growth and education.




2. Traditional family values create and limit children’s behaviours.




3. Parents should take their time to share their family values and traditions with their children.




4. Family members should share meals when the family gets together to talk about the day.




5. Family values are the traditions that provide the emotional and physical basis for a better family.




Questions 6-8: There are three questions in this part. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B, or C. You will listen to the recording twice.


6. What is the girl's favourite music


A. Country music                         B. Rock and roll                 C. All kinds of music


7. Where are they going to sit?


A. In the sun                                B. At a food stand              C. In the shade


8. What is the boy going to buy?


A. Chips and soda                        B. Steak and bread             C. A bottle of water




Questions 9-11: Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which is pronounced differently in the part underlined.        


9. A. applicant                   B. distant                 C. elephant              D. enchant


10. A. parent                      B. moment              C. recent                 D. prevent


11. A. entertainment          B. independent        C. different             D. compliment


Questions 12-14: Match the utterance in column A with its appropriate response in column B.






12. I drink fruit juice every day.


A. Like losing the soccer match yesterday?


13. There are things I really don't want to forget.


B. That's right.


14. Is Alzheimer the disease that affects your memory?


C. That's good, it helps keep your body in better conditions.


Questions 15-18: Choose the best option A, B, C, or D for each question.


15. Jenny ___________ a beautiful dress on her birthday.


A. gave                   B. will give                        C. is giving                        D. was given


16. The concert was exciting at the beginning, ___________ it became boring at the end.


A. so                       B. for                                 C. and                                D. but


17. Jane has an appointment with her doctor this week. She ___________ the doctor tomorrow as planned.


A. will be seeing      B. is going to see                C. will see                          D. is seeing


18. I’m too tired to walk home. I think I ___________ a taxi.


A. will get               B. am getting                     C. am going to get                D. get


Questions 19-22: Choose the best options (A, B, or C) to complete the sentences.


19. Minh enjoys meeting and talking with other people. He is very __________.


A. shy                               B. sociable                         C. smart


20. The function of the heart is to ___________ blood.


A. pull                               B. push                              C. pumb


21. Her first album sold more than one million copies, so she was given the __________ certification.


A. platinum                       B. gold                              C. silver


22. Last week, I had a(n) _____________ with a music company that hires trainers.


A. competition                   B. contest                          C. audition




Questions 11-18: Read the text about Adele and answer the questions that follow.


Adele has been one of the world's most well-known singers and songwriters in recent years. Born in North London in 1988, Adele started singing at a young age and she was mostly influenced by the Spice Girls. At the age of 16, Adele composed her first hit song, 'Hometown Glory'.


When she was a student at the British School for Performing Arts and Technology, she recorded three songs for a class project. All these songs later were posted on MySpace.com and became very popular. As a result, she was offered a record deal from XL Recordings after her graduation. Her first album '19' debuted at number one on the British charts in 2008.


In March 2008, she did a short tour in America and soon her international career began. In 2011, her second album, '21', came out. The music on this album was different from the soul music of '19'. It was influenced by American country music, which Adele was listening to during her tour.


In 2012, she wrote and recorded 'Skyfall' for the James Bond film of the same name. The song sold more than two million copies worldwide and for it Adele won the Academy Award for Best Original Song.


Since 2012, Adele has won many more awards. She has many fans including other famous singers because they admire her unique voice and her passion for music.


(Adapted from 'Adele' by Learning Resource Network, 2016)


Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D for each of the following questions.


11. Adele's first song _____________.


A. was recorded at her art school


B. was influenced by the Spice Girls' music


C. was written when she was a teenager


D. was written for her class project


12. The second paragraph is mainly about _____________.


A. the songs Adele wrote for XL Recordings


B. what Adele did when she was a student


C. how Adele made her songs popular


D. how Adele began her professional music career


13. After Adele graduated from her art school, _____________.


A. she posted her songs on MySpace


B. she started singing and writing songs


C. she got a contract with a recording label


D. she started her career in America


14. The word 'came out' in paragraph 3 can be replaced by _____________.


A. be composed                 B. be released          C. be offered           D. be recorded


15. The word 'it' in paragraph 4 refers to _____________.


A. the song 'Skyfall'                                        B. the Academy Award


C. Adele's best song                                          D. the 2012 James Bond film


Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text.


16. While her second album was influenced by American country music, Adele's debut album featured ____________________ music.


17. More than ____________________ of the song 'Skyfall' were sold all over the world.


18. People love Adele for her voice and her ____________________.




Questions 31-34: Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one, using NO MORE THAN FIVE words. Write the missing words in the given spaces.


31. Many people in Viet Nam know singer My Tam.


Singer My Tam is ______________________________________ in Viet Nam.


32. In a human body, the brain controls all the organs.


All the organs in a human body __________________________________ by the brain.


33. Khoa has a strong desire for painting.


Khoa is ________________________________________ painting.


34. Did the technician repair your laptop for you?


Did you ________________________________________ by the technician?


Questions 35-40: You are a doctor and a patient asked you for advice about what to eat and not to eat to reduce stress. Write a letter of advice, using the given words and phrases. Change word forms and add more words if necessary.


Dear Tom,


You asked in your letter about the diet to reduce stress. Following is my advice. 35. First/you/avoid/certain/foods and drinks.


36. Caffeine containing foods/ alcohols/ tobacco/ believe/ increase/ level of stress.


37. In addition/ you/ not/ eat/ fast foods/ junk foods/ because/ they/ contain/ synthetic addictives.


38. Instead/ vegetables and fruits/ be/ consume/ provide/ extra protection/ against/ effects of stress.


39. Finally/ complex carbohydrates/ make/ brain/ release/ more/ mood-enhancing chemicals.


40. Hope/ you/ choose/ right foods/ and/ succeed/ in/ manage/ your stress.


Best, Jerry


Lời giải chi tiết




Questions 1-5:


1. F


2. T


3. T


4. T


5. F




Family values are the foundation for how children grow, are taught and supported. Traditional family values are usually passed on from one generation to the next, giving children the structure and boundaries to function and thrive. Family time, love, play and work give children this foundation. Take the time to share your family values and traditions with your children. Schedule family meetings together, share meals where the family gets together to talk about the day, schedule recreation and relaxation into your day-to-day life. The definition of family values is the social standards defined by the family and a history of traditions that provide the emotional and physical basis for raising a family. Work together within your family to identify and create your own family values.


Questions 6-8:


6. B


7. C


8. A




Alex: Hey Jane, there is a musical concert in the park. You want to see the band play? Jane: I am done with my homework, I can go.


Alex: You will enjoy this evening, Jane. There will be good Country music, a lot of stomping around, and definitely a lot of hollering.


Jane: It sounds fun. My favorite is Rock and Roll music; however, I have to say that country melodies can be quite enticing. Alex, what kind of music do you like?


Alex: Oh, I like all kinds of music as long as it is not Hard Rock.


Jane: Wow, look at the number of people who have already shown up for the concert. Good thing that we are here already.


Alex: Jane, where do you want to sit? In the shade or in the sun?


Jane: In the shade, please. I have been in the sun too much lately.


Alex: There is a food stand over there. Do you two want anything?


Jane: Nothing for me, thanks. I already have my bottle of water.


Alex: I want a bag of chips and a soda. Are you sure you do not want any chips, Jane? Jane: I am quite sure. Besides, my mother is cooking some steak and bread for dinner, and I want to save my appetite.


Alex: Jane, you are so lucky to have such a good cook for a mother. For the last time, do you want anything?


Jane: I am sure I do not want anything, Alex. I am doing fine.


Alex: OK, save me a seat. I will be right back.




Questions 9-11:


9. D


10. D


11. D


Questions 12-14:


12. C


13. A


14. B


Questions 15-18:


15. D


16. D


17. D


18. A


Questions 19-22:


19. B


20. C


21. A


22. C




Questions 23-30:


23. C


24. D


25. C


26. B


27. A


28. (the) soul


29. two million copies


30. passion for music




Questions 31-34:


31. popular / well-known


32. are controlled


33. passionate about


34. have your laptop repaired


Questions 35-40:


35. First, you should avoid certain foods and drinks.


36. Caffeine containing foods, alcohols and tobacco are believed to increase the level of stress.


37. In addition, you should not eat fast foods and junk foods because they contain synthetic addictives.


38. Instead, vegetables and fruits can be consumed to provide extra protection against effects of stress.


39. Finally, complex carbohydrates can make the brain release more mood-enhancing chemicals.


40. Hope you choose the right foods and succeed in managing your stress.


Đề số 4




TASK 1. Listen to the conversation between Helen and Mai. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.


1. What did Mai do on her weekend?


A. She went to the beach with her family.


B. She went to swim with her classmates at the beach.


C. She carried out a community project at the beach.


2. How long did it take Mai’s class to collect all the litter?


A. A half of day


B. All day


C. Three hour and a half


3. How much rubbish did they pick up?


A. A ton of rubbish


B. 12 kilograms


C. A lot of rubbish


4. What did Mai’s group do after finishing collecting rubbish?


A. They assisted the other groups.


B. They had some free time to relax on the beach.


C. They took photos of their achievement.


5. What is the purpose of the project?


A. To help students relax after studying


B. To improve the marine environment as well as public engagement and awareness


C. To do charity by selling plastic rubbish collected


TASK 2. Listen to a talk about music and complete the note. Write ONE WORD in each blank. You will listen TWICE.




(1) ___________ anxiety and cheer people up.


Shorten the boring time when people are doing (2) ___________ chores. 


Help to (3) ___________ better on study or work.


Improve children’s (4) ___________ and health.


Note: Some may find music a (5) ___________ when they are trying to study.




TASK 1. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, or C to each of the questions.


Family life has been changing across some Southeast Asian countries over the past few decades. Many years ago, most of teenagers lived with their families, spending several hours at school and the rest of time at home enjoying family atmosphere. Besides their studying, adolescents could do some housework like doing the dishes, cooking, taking care of younger children or supporting their family business. These days, studying takes up such a lot of time that they cannot help much with household chores and sometimes they even hardly have time to relax. This can lead to suffering worse health and losing the bond with their family. In families with higher income, parents are often so busy with their work that they send their children to private boarding schools, and the time these students share with families is shortened more and more. In many cases, high-schoolers meet their siblings and parents at weekends only. It’s believed that there are some advantages to live and study in academic places, but other benefits that schools are unlikely to provide should be taken into consideration. For example, these young learners can learn a lot from their parents about social skills and doing domestic chores. On one hand, some people think that teenage students prefer to have privacy than to be controlled by adults, which may be true. On the other hand, nothing can compare or replace the parents’ affection in terms of nurturing their children’s souls and their behaviours. Changes often bring positive results but how people consider what is important to maintain and preserve is worth thinking again.


1. What is the passage mainly about?


A. The negative effect of living away from family.


B. Some changes in family life in Southeast Asian countries.


C. Teenagers love to live independently rather than rely on their parents.


D. Teenagers’ life today is much better than that of decades ago.


2. What does the word ‘this’ in line 10 mean?


A. The fact that students do not have time to relax.


B. The fact that students cannot help with family work.


C. The fact that students have to spend most of their time studying.


D. The fact that students do too much housework.


3. Long time ago young learners could help their parents with ___________.


A. family chores or parents’ business


B. family chores and earn money themselves


C. nothing because of their busy curricula


D. nothing because they were busy playing


4. What are the benefits of family education?


A. Children can learn about good conduct.


B. Children can learn about social skills.


C. Children can learn how to do business.


D. Children can learn about good conduct and social skills.


5. What is the most important thing in terms of raising a child?


A. Parents’ love


B. Parents’ control


C. Children’s privacy


D. Children’s independence


TASK 2. Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank.


Cai Luong is one of the special types of Vietnamese folk opera. This art performance is mainly (1) ___________ in the southern provinces in Viet Nam. Some of its shows have been composed based on some popular (2) ___________ and novels such as Luc Van Tien, Tieng trong Me Linh, etc., or based on the modern Vietnamese society in which issues of family, love, friendship, and other relationships are often demonstrated lively. In the past, people preferred to go to the theatres to enjoy these traditional shows with their friends and family. Nowadays, Cai Luong has no longer kept its heyday, (3) ___________ watching Cai Luong on YouTube is a common (4) ___________ for those who still keep the love for it. However, because it is a national theatrical form which has highly artistic and cultural values, the local authorities have many solutions to (5) ___________ it by holding a lot of competitions annually.




TASK 1. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets and do not change it. Write FROM THREE TO FIVE WORDS.




0.  Nam plans to join his school’s Green Lifestyle Club this week. (GOING)


Nam _______________ his school’s Green Lifestyle Club this week.


Answer: 0. is going to join


1. In my family, my sister is responsible for washing dishes. (DOING)


In my family, my sister takes ______________________________________.


2. Lily’s friends will choose her as the leader of their team for the next presentation. (BE)


Lily ____________________ by her friends as the leader of their team for the next presentation.


3. Tom‘s parents are making him tidy his room now. (TO)


Tom ____________________ his room by his parents now.


4. My father didn’t let me attend the music concert alone. (ALLOWED)


I ______________________________ the music concert alone.


5. We can reduce plastic waste by using reusable bags. (CUT)


Plastic waste ____________________ by using reusable bags.


TASK 2. Write a paragraph (120 – 150 words) about the main environmental problems in your neighbourhood and the ways to solve them.


You can use the following questions as cues.


- Where do you live?


- What are the main environmental problems in your neighbourhood?


- What do you suggest to solve these problems?






Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part. Circle A, B, C, or D.                                          


1. A.   grocery                   B. concert               C. energy                D. strengthen


2. A.   gratitude                 B. decoration           C. eliminate            D. location


Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.


4. A. laundry                      B. manner               C. litter                   D. delay


5. Atrumpet                        B. upload (v)           C. single                 D. comment


TASK 2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, C, or D.        


1. People usually consider men the ___________ to support family with finance.


A. character            B. manner               C. breadwinner        D. supporter


2. The benefit from sharing the housework is increasing family ___________.


A. routine               B. bonds                  C. value                  D. chores


3. In order to decrease global warming, humans should reduce the ___________.


A. human resources                                B. natural disasters


C. natural resources                                D. carbon footprint


4. Children should be taught to raise the ___________ of using paper bags instead of plastic bags.


A. energy                B. awareness           C. waste                  D. recycling


5. Tom has a talent for playing the ___________ and other musical instruments.


A. performance       B. trumpet               C. stage                   D. band


6. The ___________ of the school's singing contest will be voted by students next week.


A. dancer                B. judges                 C. competition         D. manner


TASK 3. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.


1. Keep silent kids! Dad ___________ (listen) to some news on the radio.


2. We ___________ (meet) our relatives from the USA tonight. I’m so excited.


3. Alice: Look! Mom is carrying a heavy box! Tom : Oh! I _______ (help) her with it.


4. Some new solutions to the environmental problems ___________ (propose) during last Monday’s meeting.


5. They had better ___________ (choose) more exciting music for the party.


Lời giải chi tiết






1. C   


2. A   


3. C   


4. A   


5. B




Helen: Hello Mai, how was your weekend?


Mai: Fantastic! I spent my lovely weekend in Vung Tau with my schoolmates and classmates.


Helen: Oh, really. You all had a wonderful beach holiday?


Mai: Actually, it was not exactly a beach holiday. Our class had a project to carry out, namely ‘Plastic Waste Free’.


Helen: Sounds interesting. What was it exactly?


Mai: Well, we must collect the waste people left on the beach. Our responsibility was to clean an area of the beach where many people visited during high season. My principal said that the project aimed to reduce plastic waste, and give a better environment for marine creatures. And I think public engagement and awareness are also the main purposes of this type of project. There are often lots of students who are quite irresponsible when they drop litter after events, so the project will help them think about their duty to the environment.


Helen: I totally agree with you. Your class did a very good job picking up litter, didn’t you?


Mai: Of course. We collected dozens of rubbish such as plastic bags, disposable bottles, and other kinds of trash. It took us half a day to do, and we were divided into small groups. Our group finished in about three hours and then we supported the other groups. It was really good teamwork. We didn’t feel exhausted because it was lots of fun.




1. Reduce


2. domestic


3. concentrate


4. development


5. problem




Hello everyone, today I’ll talk to you about some important roles of music in our life. You may listen to music on a daily basis, but do you know how it positively affects us? Well, let me tell you. Firstly, there is no doubt that music can make people feel relieved. It is said that when enjoying a favourite song we can reduce stress and lift our spirit up with its soft melody and ear-catching tune. Music can also help us relax when we are doing domestic chores like cleaning the floor, doing dishes, or tidying up the mess, etc. Secondly, music, especially the sound of classic instruments, can help us better concentrate on our work or study. Also, it is often thought that this kind of music can improve children’s development and health. Some mothers even let their children listen to Mozart and Beethoven’s music in their very first months. However, not everybody likes listening to music while doing some work because it can distract them. In this case, music turns out to be a problem…






1. B   


2. C   


3. A   


4. D   


5. A




1. found


2. stories


3. so


4. choice


5. preserve






1. responsibility for doing the washing-up


2. will be chosen


3. is being made to tidy


4. wasn’t allowed to attend


5. can be cut down on




Sample writing:


My house is located in a busy and noisy street where there are some pressing environmental problems that need addressing. First, there is often lots of rubbish in the street. Many mindless inhabitants do not have the habit of dropping litter in the right place or clearing up dog poops after walking the dogs, which makes the street dirty and unhygienic. Therefore, in my opinion, fining those people heavily would be a better way to tackle this issue. Second, there is a lack of green space here. It’s essential for us to build a nearby park with lots of trees and flowers for children and old people to play and relax. Finally, the local authorities should limit the cars moving on the street here because day by day we are suffering from the deafening sounds and toxic exhaust fumes causing negative effects on our health. In short, these environmental problems can be dealt with effectively with the contribution of both the government and every single individual.






1. D   


2. A   


3. D   


4. B




1. C   


2. B   


3. D   


4. B   


5. B   


6. B




1. is listening


2. are going to meet/ are meeting


3. will help


4. were proposed


5. choose



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