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Câu 883622:
Tự luận

Read the article. Match the highlighted words with their meanings. (Đọc bài viết. Nối các từ được đánh dấu với ý nghĩa của chúng)


This month, Teen Talk magazine has received many letters from secondary school students asking about the different options for school-leavers. We've talked to educational experts, and they think that young people should either continue their studies at a college or university or go to a vocational school.

A. ______________________

Higher education is really for people who want formal learning in order to get an academic degree. If you are good at certain subjects and need a degree related to those subjects, then university is the right choice for you. Besides studying, university students also have the opportunity to live independently, make new friends, and join different clubs. Many students still manage to work part-time during their university years. In addition, college or university students usually have an advantage over students from vocational schools when it comes to further studies after a degree. They will also have broader career options and an advantage in the job market.

B. ______________________

If you are not interested in traditional academic subjects and want to work ina specific trade, then vocational education is the right choice for you. You will gain the practical skills and knowledge necessary for a specific job. In addition, a vocational school may also offer you an apprenticeship. This type of training not only provides students with hands-on experience, but also gives them wages to cover their living costs. Most importantly, vocational training is usually much shorter than a college or university course. After getting their vocational qualifications, graduates can immediately start work and earn a salary.

There are a lot of educational opportunities for school-leavers today. You can choose from hundreds of vocational schools or higher education institutions to continue your educational journey.


1. formal


a. a job that requires special training and skills


2. manage


b. a period of time working for and leaning from a skilled person


3. trade


c. to succeed in doing something difficult


4. apprenticeship


d. important organisations that have a particular purpose


5. institutions


e. Received in a school, college, or university, with lessons, exams, etc.

4 tháng trước 23 lượt xem

Giải Tiếng anh Unit 7 lớp 11 Reading (trang 79, 80) - Global success
Câu 883616:
Tự luận




Completing your education



Match the words and phrase with their meanings. (Nối các từ và cụm từ với ý nghĩa của chúng)



1. school-leaver (n)



a. education at a college or university



2. vocational education (np)



b. the act of completing a university degree or a course of study



3. higher education (n)



c. a person who has just left school



4. qualification (n)



d. education that prepares students for work in a specific trade



5. graduation (n)



e. an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc

4 tháng trước 22 lượt xem

Giải Tiếng anh Unit 7 lớp 11 Language (trang 77, 78, 79) - Global success
Câu 883610:
Tự luận

Planning our education

Listen and read (Nghe và đọc)

Bài nghe:


Ms Hoa: Good moming, class. There was an education fair last weekend. Did anyone go?

Nam: Yes, Mai and I did. The fair was great, and we got a lot of useful information.

Ms Hoa: I'm glad to hear that. Would you like to share some of it with the class?

Mai: Sure. After finishing school, we mainly have two education options. For example, we can get into university if we earn high grades or pass the university entrance exam.

Nam: That's true, but academic education isn’t everything. The other option is going to a vocational school where we can learn skills for particular jobs.

Ms Hoa: That sounds interesting. So what are your plans for the future?

Mai: I'm hoping to go to university. Having won several biology competitions, I want to study biology and become a scientist.

Ms Hoa: Great! It’s really important to follow your dream, Mai.

Mai: My mum still regrets not having gone to university. So I want to make her proud of me. How about you, Nam?

Nam: Well, I don’t think university is for me. I want to go to a vocational school because I want to become a car mechanic. My father owns a car repair shop. Having watched him work very hard for many years helped me make my decision.

Ms Hoa: That's very sensible, Nam! I hope you can help him grow his business.

4 tháng trước 19 lượt xem

Giải Tiếng anh Unit 7 lớp 11 Getting Started (trang 76, 77) - Global success
Câu 883509:
Tự luận


Read the text and answer the questions. (Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi)


Crowdfunding for heritage!

Preserving their heritage can present a challenge to many nations, especially if they have a large number of heritage sites, like Italy does. However, the country has found a new method of raising money for heritage projects from a large number of individuals and businesses - crowdfunding. For example, loveitaly, a non-profit organisation, uses its website to reach all the people around the world who love Italy, and collects donations from everyone who wants to help. One of their first success stories was raising enough money to restore an ancient site in Pompeii.

Strict heritage laws

In Australia, individuals and companies have to pay a fine of AUS1,000 to AUS5,000 for any damage to heritage sites or objects, regardless of whether they can be repaired. In some cases, the fines are heavier, and people could even face time in prison. The authorities hope the harsher punishments can stop people from destroying or damaging it cultural sites and items, and prevent heritage crime.

Tourism works!

Spain is one of the countries that has successfully promotedits cultural heritage through tourism. For many years, festivals such as La Tomatina (in which people throw tomatoes at each other) or Las Fallas (a five-day festival of fireworks and light shows) in Valencia have attracted millions of local and foreign tourists. The unique architecture in Barcelona, home to nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and Santiago de Compostela’s Old Town, which is also on the world heritage list, are famous all over the world.

Which country ...

1. raises money from the public for restoring its heritage?

2. organises successful festivals that attract visitors from around the world?

3. fines people heavily if they damage its heritage?

4 tháng trước 30 lượt xem

Giải Tiếng anh Unit 6 lớp 11 Communication and Culture (trang 73, 74) - Global Success
Câu 883505:
Tự luận

Everyday English

Asking for and giving directions

Listen and complete the conversation with the expressions in the box. Then practise it in pairs. (Nghe và hoàn thành cuộc hội thoại với các biểu thức trong hộp. Sau đó thực hành nó theo cặp)

Bài nghe:



A. could you tell me the way to

B. turn left

C. on your right

D. Go straight ahead

David: Excuse me, (1) ________ Thang Long Imperial Citadel? I’m lost.

Nam: Sure. The citadel is not far from here. (2) _________ until you get to Hoang Dieu Street, then (3) _________. Walk past Ha Noi Flag Tower and you'll see it (4) __________.

David: Thank you.

4 tháng trước 20 lượt xem

Giải Tiếng anh Unit 6 lớp 11 Communication and Culture (trang 73, 74) - Global Success
Câu 883497:
Tự luận

Listen to a talk. What is the talk mainly about? (Nghe một cuộc nói chuyện. chủ yếu nói về cái gì?)

Bài nghe



A. The tour guide is explaining why Trang An is a mixed World Heritage Site.

B. The tour guide is talking about the ecosystem of Trang An and efforts to preserve it.

C. The tour guide is introducing the site’s natural beauty.

4 tháng trước 21 lượt xem

Giải Tiếng anh Unit 6 lớp 11 Listening (trang 71) - Global
Câu 883484:
Tự luận

Preserving cultural heritage

Work in pairs. Match the ways to preserve our heritage with the reasons for doing so. (Làm việc theo cặp. Nối những cách để bảo tồn di sản của chúng ta với những lý do để làm như vậy)









1. Learning about cultural heritage at school



a. Spreading information to more people quickly



2. Promoting cultural heritage on social media



b. Helping students understand the value of cultural heritage



3. Organising competitions to find good ideas for preserving our heritage



c. Making cultural heritage more widely known to people around the world



4. Introducing cultural heritage to foreign visitors through tourism activities



d. Encouraging people to get more involved

4 tháng trước 20 lượt xem

Giải Tiếng anh Unit 6 lớp 11 Speaking (trang 70, 71) - Global success
Câu 883477:
Tự luận

Read the article and circle the correct meanings of the highlighted words and phrases. (Đọc bài viết và khoanh tròn nghĩa đúng của các từ và cụm từ được đánh dấu)


Ideas from teenagers

To encourage young people to learn about and appreciate our cultural heritage, we organised an ideas competition. We invited students from across the country to send us their ideas for protecting and promoting our heritage. We have received many interesting entries. Below are the winners.

A. _________________

The idea of promoting heritage sites through social media came from a group of TIth grade students. They suggested using social media activities, such as photo competitions, to encourage young people to learn about our heritage sites and local traditions on important festivals. They also suggested creating trending topics or challenges on social media. For example, a postcard challenge will invite people to create and share unusual and exciting postcards about the heritage sites that they have visited.

B. _________________

Two 10th grade students suggested forming historical societies or local groups who have akeen interest in their history and heritage. These groups will provide information about local heritage sites, organise special events to celebrate local festivals, and invite young people to discuss issues related to preserving the heritage. This way, they will be able to give vo-ce to suggestions and solutions to problems they care about. They will feel that their voices are heard, and they can contribute to society.

C. _________________

To preserve heritage, such as traditional music and stories, a group of secondary school students proposed setting up folk clubs. The clubs will hold events for young people to experience and learn about traditional performing arts. The artists will not only perform, but also introduce their arts and talk about how students can help promote folk culture. The clubs will organise training for students who want to learn folk songs, a 1traditional musical instrument, or folk dancing.

1. appreciate

A. to recognise the good qualities of something

B. to realise that something is dangerous

C. to discuss a new idea

2. trending

A. being discussed a lot on social media

B. being forgotten by the public

C. creating and sharing information

3. give voice to

A. to take action about something

B. to listen to someone's advice

C. to express opinions about something

4. proposed

A. asked someone for information

B. suggested something as a plan or course of action

C. invited guests for an event

4 tháng trước 25 lượt xem

Giải Tiếng anh Unit 6 lớp 11 Reading (trang 69, 70) - Global success
Câu 883466:
Tự luận




Match the words with their meanings. (Nối các từ với ý nghĩa của chúng)



1. restore (v)



a. connected with things from the past



2. historical (adj)



b. traditional to a particular group or country, and usually passed down from generation to generation



3. preserve (v)



c. important in history



4. folk (adj)



d. to return something to an earlier good condition or position



5. historic (adj)



e. to keep something in its original state or in good condition and prevent it from being damaged

4 tháng trước 42 lượt xem

Giải Tiếng anh Unit 6 lớp 11 Language (trang 67, 68) - Global success